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| It's hard when you miss people, but that means you're lucky. It means you have someone special in your life, someone worth missing| 

"leave it to the earth's mightiest avengers to lose a multi-dimensional kid," Okoye said to the men before her as she walked off the private Wakanda jet, her king following right behind her. She almost wanted to laugh at the men. 

"Play nice Okoye," T'challa said as he made his place at her side. "We are here to help, even if it is a bit odd circumstance." 

"And for that, I truly appreciate you, your highness," Steve said. "And it's not just the matter of finding her anymore, it's actually being able to..." His voice faded off, cause he didn't want to say it out loud. Having to say goodbye to his daughter, yet again, after losing his wife would absolutely kill her. 

"Don't worry Captain, I assure you that if anyone can help Sarah, it is my sister," T'challa said with a reassuring smile. Steve nodded his head. "Now shall we begin the search for the young girl?" 

"Yes," Now Tony spoke up. "I have satellite information running, the minute she shows her face we should be alerted." Okoye couldn't help but let out a soft laugh. "Something funny?" 

"Yes," She answered.

"Care to share with the class?" Sam asked. Okoye looked over at T'Challa  "It's funny that you think the daughter of one of the best spies in the world could be caught by a satellite." 

"Well, I mean..." Tony said scratching the back of her head. "she's just a kid." 

"Yeah and she's the same kid who hacked her way into her mother's security system so she could sneak out of the house to get ice cream," Steve frowned at Okoye's statement. "Natasha and I liked to talk." 

"Okay fine, if you don't think this will work, then please tell me what you exactly have in mind?" Tony asked, gesturing for her to continue. 

"If you want to catch a spy, it's time to bring in a spy of your own." 

"You don't mean-" Steve started to say but cut himself off in disbelief. 

"She would be the logical option," Bucky spoke up for the first time. 

"Natasha wouldn't like it," Okoye said. "But seeing as it's for her kid." 

"Yeah but it's still risky. No one has seen her in ages." Steve said. "Natasha hasn't spoken about her in years." 

"I am sorry," Sam said holding his hand up for them all to stop. "But can someone fill those of us in who can't read minds? Who the hell are you guys talking about?" Steve and Bucky shared a look before taking a deep breath. 

"Yelena Belova. Natasha's sister." 


"Can you stop staring at me?" James said as he sat on the steps of the sanctum sanctorum, Nicole was busying herself inside talking to Serenity Strange, a friend, and Sarah was watching her very closely, he could tell even with the sunglasses covering her eyes, and the baseball cap on her head. 

"I'm sorry," Sarah said. "Is it bothering you? I am just trying to figure you out." 

"What do you mean figure me out?" James said. "Don't you have a...me in your universe?" 

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