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| We have to embrace the conflict in our lives. What happy ending doesn't have a conflict?| 

"Fascinating" Bruce Banner said as he walked circles around Natasha, who apparently, was from an entirely different universe.  Natasha had just finished telling her story, to the group, her mind still struggling to accept some aspects of this universe, such as Steve's apparent death. She had to constantly remind herself that this steve, even if he wasn't alive, didn't have any attachments to her. "You know what this means?"  

"I am guessing it means we have to do a lot of work," Sam said. In the room that Natasha had told her story to was, Bruce, Sam, Bucky, Maria, who was keeping her distance, Yelena, Melina, and Thor.

"No, all the theories about the multiverse are real! Meaning there could be over a million different possibilities of universes." Bruce said in the most excited tone. "There are rules we should follow as we have to go over this incredible scenario." 

"Bruce," Natasha said gently. "I hate-" 

"What rules?" Sam said with a raise of an eyebrow. "If this shit was all a theory how can there be rules?" 

"He's lying," Yelena butt in. "there are no rules. He's just trying to make us all seem dumb." 

"There are basic rules that everyone should remember, they are common sense," Bruce continued. 

"No that's so stupid" Bucky added. "if this is a brand new situation then there shouldn't be any rules. Logistically speaking. Unless you are telling me this has happened before, in that case then I agree there are rules" 

"Have none of you studied any sort of science?" Bruce asked them all. 

"Yeah sorry I skipped that elective in the red room." Yelena quipped with a smirk, Bruce became a bit unnecessarily uncomfortable at her comment. 

"Maybe we should call Scott Lang," Sam said. "He does the little tiny thing" 

"Guys-" Bruce shook his head before he was interrupted. 

"How is that gonna be any help?" Bucky said slapping him behind the head. 

"I don't know he's a smart man," Sam shrugged.

"Smart is definitely a word you could use, in the right case, to describe Scott. But I'd prefer idiot." Yelena said. 

 "Or maybe Thor here could help out," Sam added ignoring Yelena's comment. Thor unfortunately shook his head.  

"While I am equipt with the knowledge of many different planets, unfortunately, this multiverse theory as Banner calls it, I am afraid I do not have much knowledge." 

"Do you still think bringing them down was the best choice?" Melina asked as the group continues to argue amongst themselves. Natasha shook her head. At least there was one thing that she could count on in any universe, the avengers will always be much of children wrapped in an adult's body. "Because I don't." 

"I need you all to shut up for one goddamn minute." Natasha hissed. 

"So bossy," Yelena muttered. 

"Look I don't give a fuck what you guys believe and what you don't. That's not my problem. All I care about is getting home to my son and my husband. So I swear to fucking god you all better listen to bruce or I will make you listen and you certainly don't want that." The group looked at each other before remaining silent, Natasha took that as a cue for Bruce to continue, she gestured to him. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2022 ⏰

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