CH*3 (Security)

36 1 0

Namjoon pov:

We exit the elevator into the reception area. I look at the desk to see Arthur talking to Sandy, the receptionist for the floor. She's an eagle shifter like Arthur and perks up turning to us as we walk over.

"Good morning gentlemen."

I smile as we gather at the desk nodding at Arthur as he smiles looking around at us.

"Good morning, Sandy. How are you doing today?"

"I'm good Mr. Kim. Thank you for asking."

"Excellent. I'd like to introduce you to everyone. Of course, you already know Seokjin. This is Taehyung, our new Director of Talent Acquisition."

I pause as he steps forward waving with a smile.

"On his right is Jungkook, our new Director of Communications. Then to his left is Yoongi, our new Executive Producer."

I paused again giving them time to respond.

"Then here you have Hoseok, our new Head Choreographer."

He smiles and waves as I turn to Jimin who bites his lip as he looks around. He seems kind of nervous, probably wondering why I introduced him last. I smile as I glance at Jinnie.

"Then last but certainly not least, this is Jimin, our new Jack of all Trades. He is talented in so many areas it was the only title that would fit him."

I laugh as he gasps, and his cheeks redden at the title. The rest of the guys chuckle as they move closer to him. Hobi reaches out but stops himself in the process of pulling Jiminie in for a hug. He smiles sheepishly before stepping back. I look around but before I can respond Sandy steps around from the desk. She whispers to Arthur before stepping over to Hobi and reaching for his hand. He frowns before glancing at us and taking it. She pulls him over to Jimin and places it on his waist.

"It's okay. You don't have to hide on this floor unless I warn you too. I'm a shifter too and can sense the bond between all of you. A new development hmm Mr. Kim's?"

I feel my smile widen as I nod looking around at my mates.

"Yes Sandy, I remember Arthur mentioning that the whole of the security team were shifters, but I didn't realize that included you as well."

She nods and smiles.

"I understand. Arthur is my cousin. I'm an eagle like he is. It's great to have you all here together. Angelique is ready for you guys in photo room three. You and your husband will need new ids as well. We've acquired new badges for certain personnel as requested by Arthur and you seven are on that list."

I look at Arthur with a puzzled frown. He steps forward as he nods.

"I was going to talk to you later about this, but I took the initiative to enhance some specs security wise. I'm not sure if you remember the panic rooms that were installed on each floor in case of emergency. I'm in the process of having specialized locks installed on all the offices. In the event of an emergency, you can key in a code through your handsets on your office phones and it will commence a lockdown of the building. Only our keycards in addition to other security personnel will be able to get through any of the doors or utilize the elevators."

I look at Jin as he smiles.

"That's perfect actually. I was going to ask if we could redo ours anyway so that's perfect. Shall we gentlemen?"

I can't help but chuckle as Jinnie leads the way to room three.

Hoseok pov:

Smiling as we step forward, I pause as my phone vibrates in my pocket. I look up as the others stop reaching for their phones as well.

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