CH*11 (Quiet)

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Hoseok pov:

Opening my eyes, I look around. I can't help but smile at my sleeping mates as we snuggle in one big cuddle pile on the floor of the living room. After Doc and Kira left, we decided to move around some of the furniture, clearing space on the floor. We were tired from the flight and just wanted to take a minute to relax together.

Kira wasn't lying when she said the pantry was stocked with everything. Off to the side we found a door that opened to a storage space that held extra towels and bedding. Using the plush covers we found there, it was easy to make a pallet on the floor to lay out on.

A kiss to my cheek pulls my attention and I look at Joon. My head was resting on his shoulder. Turning to him I catch his lips in a gentle kiss, taking a bit of time to taste him while we wait for the others to wake.

"Hey, sweet wolf. Did you sleep well?"

I feel my face flame at his words. We seem to come up with different things to call each other as we go but, this is the first time I've been addressed that way and by Joon so... I swallow, giving him a shy smile as I nod.

"How about you? I don't even remember falling asleep."

Shaking his head, he looks down, running his fingers through Kookie's hair where his head is laid against Joon's thigh.

"I slept well. I think we all kind of crashed within seconds of each other. The last thing I remember is Minnie telling us Trinity said he didn't need to worry about his change because he will become exactly what he wants."

"It's a bit weird, isn't it?"

Jimin pulls our attention where he lays sandwiched between Taehyung and Seokjin.

"She basically confirmed at some point after we've..."

Jimin blushes, interrupting himself before shaking his head.

"I'm going to be a carrier too. I'm excited but now also nervous. What if I get my hopes up, just to find out she's wrong."

"She's a Solar, she can't be wrong."

The three of us look at Yoongi as he walks into the room carrying several water bottles. I smile as he sets them down in a pile. I wondered where he went. I frown though at his words.

"A Solar?"

He nods before looking around.

"I'll explain once everyone's up."

Yoongi looks around again before focusing on Joon and I.

"Want to help me wake them?"

I look at Joon before we both turn and give Yoongs smiles. Shifting I sit up as Joon runs his fingers through Kookie's hair massaging his scalp. Biting my lip as Kook scrunches up his nose shifting slightly into the touch. Turning his head as he did gives me the perfect access. Rubbing my hand against the side of his face I let my fingers settle on his neck caressing, settling my lips against his. I keep the pressure light as I move my lips against his, gently coaxing him to respond.

Kook's lips move against mine as he brings a hand up rubbing my fingers before interlacing them together and squeezing softly. I get a little distracted as we kiss softly and pull back when I feel a hand rub down my back. Kook looks at me, opening his eyes and smiling.

"Hi, Hobe."

I return his smile, pecking his lips one more time.

"Hi, Kookie."

His eyes close and he takes a deep breath raising his other hand to Joon's as it still moves through his hair. Kook pulls Joon's hand away, bringing it to his lips and kissing it before opening his eyes and looking at him.

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