CH*13 (Details)

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Hoseok pov:

After a while of talking, we move to the wooden table to grab food. In addition to the regular cookout foods and salad there are several dishes I don't recognize. There are also a few Korean dishes that I'm happy to see. I pick up a few of them, popping a fried ball into my mouth and my eyes widen as the flavors burst on my tongue. I'm surprised to find it's full of chicken and potatoes. I wonder what the others are.

It doesn't take long for everyone to fill a plate and grab a glass of punch. Taking a sip, I smile at the fruity taste. The slight aftertaste gives away the fact that it's alcoholic even before I notice Trinity and James have bottles of apple juice instead of glasses.

Settling around the table we make quick work of the food as conversations flow. It's small talk essentially just getting to know each other and getting more comfortable with our hosts. I inhale as a wave of heat flows through me, and I feel eyes on me. I look around letting my gaze lock with Jiminie as he licks his lips. Tilting my head, I give him a confused smile, but he just shakes his head before cuddling closer to me. Looking at Yoongi, I find him already watching us before looking around to see the other guys are focused on us as well.

"Ah... give it a few minutes and it'll pass. For now, at least. I can't say it won't return later once you guys are alone, but it will come and go in waves for the five of you. I'm not really surprised it started with Jimin."

We all turn to look at Chris as he speaks in between bites of his dessert. I feel myself frown as he keeps eating as if he hadn't just spoken until Rebecca laughs. He lifts his eyes and looks at her before looking at us. Seeing us all staring at him he wipes his mouth and smiles sheepishly.

"Sorry. I don't think we ever got into the rest of what you guys could expect after the exposure to the catnip. For some reason it affected him the strongest, followed by the two of you."

Kook and Yoongi look at each other before looking back at Chris.

"You too were the least affected but still... affected. You two being cats I'm sure knew you should avoid it, but they didn't know."

"... But we never even touched it. Any of us... no direct contact."

Max nods as he looks around.

"You guys didn't need direct contact to be affected by it. Do you remember inhaling a faint sweet, grassy aroma at any time during the drive here?"

My eyes widen as I do remember. Nodding, I look around to find the other's nodding as well, only Joon and Jin don't react. I watch as Jinnie frowns as he looks at Joon. He shakes his head looking at us with a pained expression.

"I'm sorry guys. I didn't know it would affect you. Once Joon and I realized it was catnip we switched to mouth breathing knowing the essence of the herb gets trapped in the nasal passages. It's why when you see regular felines with it, they continuously run it over their faces. We'd have warned you if we would have known."

He huffs out a sigh as he looks at Joon. I feel my worry start to build because of his dejection. Kookie must feel nervous too because he looks around eyes wide before he addresses Jinnie.

"Is this really bad? I know you guys talked about it being a poison, are we in danger?"

Joon and Jinnie's eyes widen as Jinnie waves his hands.

"No! You didn't touch it directly, so you don't have to worry about poisoning. It's just the... Well catnip acts as an aphrodisiac for some and an irritant for others. Makes some prone to mood swings. It probably explains some of the reactions you guys had when we first arrived in addition to the stress of the situation."

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