CH*17 (Coalesce)

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Jungkook pov:

My breath catches as Tae straddles my lap. The residual flow of touches I already feel has my head spinning as he rotates his hips letting our members rub together. I can't hold back the moan that escapes, hearing several moans sound around us.

"Oh... this is... fuck!"

Throwing my head back as Tae rotates his hips again as he attaches his lips to the side of my neck. I can feel ghost touches covering me... hands, lips, tongues... We both cry out holding each other as a phantom heat wraps around my member. By the reaction I know Tae is feeling the same thing.

"Ah... ok... ok, wait... can we..."

Tae trembles in my arms as the feelings stop abruptly at Jiminie's panted interruption. Turning our heads, we look over to find both Minnie and Jinnie laid out on the bed. They're surrounded by Joon, Hobi and Yoongi. Jinnie and Minnie's chests rise and fall rapidly in hard breaths as they try to regain their composure.

Looking at Tae as he takes a shuddery breath in my lap, he licks his lips before speaking.

"How... How long does it take again for the effects to wear off? I... I don't..."

He shakes his head before burying his face in my neck. Locking eyes with Joon I nod understanding what Tae's getting at.

"I think... because it was just the two of you... you were able to have a more than pleasant experience with the catnip. We however... with so many of us... it's really overwhelming."

Taking a minute to look from Jinnie to Joon before I nuzzle Tae in my lap and continue.

"You said earlier... all night? ...that we would stop feeling the effects in the morning?"

Jinnie shudders as he looks at me before looking at Joon.

"Yeah, Joon... I get it. It's really intense all of the touches... we never experienced this... not to this degree."

Joon nods, running his fingers through Jin's hair as he meets my eyes before looking around. Minnie and Jinnie are still laid out as Tae trembles in my arms. Hobi and Yoongs look around as well, Hobi licks his lips with a puzzled frown. He seems to be deep in thought but...

"Hobi what's on your mind?"

He looks at me at my question, giving me a soft smile. He seems to come to a decision as he reaches a hand out towards Jinnie, helping him to sit up and crawl into his lap. Hobi wraps his arms around him in a loose embrace, rubbing his hands over his stomach. My breath hitches at the residual feeling.

"I have an idea but I'm not sure how you'd all feel about it...?"

Hobi looks around seeing he has everyone's attention, he continues.

"Well, most of us seem to be overwhelmed by too many sexual touches at once, right? What if we focus on one person at a time. We're all going to feel it anyway and the rest can just do this..."

He rubs up and over Jinnie's chest and down to his stomach and thighs to demonstrate.

"You know, grounding touches... We're still going to feel the sexual stimulation either way and this way we can still feel each other too."

A groan is pulled from my throat as a virtual candy shop of flavors explodes on my tongue as Jinnie turns his head taking Hobi in a deep kiss. He turns more, wrapping his arms around Hobi in a tight hug as he breaks the kiss.

"I think that would work. Does anyone object?"

Chuckling as Tae shakes his head still nestled against me, I take the time to look around. Jin is nestled against Hobi almost the same as Tae is against me. Jiminie is still laid out on the bed as Joon and Yoongs sit next to each other watching him with fond smiles.

The Wilde OT7 Styleजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें