CH*7 (On Our Way)

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Taehyung pov:

Opening my eyes slowly, blinking to clear my sight. I look over at the person running their fingers through my hair. Smiling as the scent of cinnamon invades my nose before my eyes bring Joon completely into focus. The room is full of soft light from the lamp as I realize the overhead light is still off.

"Good morning, TaeBear. We have to get ready; it'll be time to head out soon."

Swallowing I look around before rubbing Jiminie's back where he lays nestled into my side. It seems we're the last to be woken up as the bed is empty beside the two of us. Jiminie shifts against my side before yawning and peaking at us. He smiles as he groans smushing his face into my chest. I smile at Joon as he climbs from the bed reaching out a hand to me. Glancing at Chim before lifting him to straddle my lap. I sit up moving to the edge to take Joon's hand. Wrapping my arm around Jiminie I keep him close as Joon pulls me to standing.

Jimin wraps his arms and legs around me holding on as I step closer to Joon. Looking at Jiminie he smiles as we both move, kissing Joon's cheeks. Joon chuckles as he leads us out of the room. Heading into his and Jin's room we find everyone around their bed putting folded garments into two cases. I set Jiminie down as he kissed me softly in thanks. Frowning, I look at the cases again before I look around the room.

"We have the other cases downstairs already. Empty so we can fill them in Brazil."

I look at Joon as he speaks. I guess that makes sense, then we won't need to worry about buying luggage too. Watching as Jin zips up the bag in front of him and Hobi follows suit with the other.

"Do you guys already have our luggage too?"

Recognizing a few of the clothing items I saw I know they have clothes for Kookie and me. Kook walks over, taking my hand as he shakes his head.

"Nope, seems Jinnie took this chance to give us another surprise. See those two are a part of a matching set it seems. The rest of them are downstairs. Two large bags that each hold three smaller bags."

Looking over at Jinnie in time to see his pink cheeks before he finds something by the window very interesting. Chuckling before turning to look at Jiminie and Kook as we move to pounce on Jin. He falls to the bed with a squeak, before laughing as we tickle him. Jin's hands grab Jiminie's hips as he straddles him. His laughter dies out as he watches Jimin. Smirking, I look at Kookie as we climb off the bed. Kook takes my hand as Jinnie runs his fingers up Chim's sides. Hobi gets our attention as he giggles. Pecking my lips, Hobi messes my hair before taking my other hand.

"Let's give them a minute. I'm sure they'll follow us out... eventually."

Hobi laughs as he pulls us from the room. Heading downstairs we find Joon and Yoongs setting out toasted bagels and toppings. I let go of Kook and Hobi to pour us all a mug of coffee. Glancing at the clock I see it's a little after two in the morning. I look at Yoongs as he walks into the kitchen.

"We have to be at the airport at three, right?"

Joon shakes his head as he walks back into the kitchen, taking the mug that Yoongs pours for him.

"No, we have priority boarding, so we get a little more time. We need to be there before four though. It'll take at least an hour to drive from here, so we'll need to head out sooner than later."

"We'll be ready to go as soon as everyone eats, and we get dressed."

We all look at Jinnie as he walks into the kitchen followed closely by Jimin.


Laughing I shake my head brushing hands with Kook as we both reach to grab their mugs. Kookie squeezes my hand before taking Jinnie's mug and filling it with coffee, adding cream, sugar, and a bit of caramel just like he likes. I pick up Chim's mug before looking at him.

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