CH*6 (Planning)

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Yoongi pov:

Stepping out of the truck I nod at the end of the drive at the SUV parked there. I'm sure those are our security agents waiting on Arthur. Reaching out a hand I help the rest of the guys out as Joon helps Jin.

A shadow grabs our attention as it passes overhead. We watch as a man and woman step out of the truck as a large eagle lands next to the truck. The bird is engulfed in a red glow that soon dissipates and Arthur stands in its place. I glance at Joon as we turn to head inside. Joon stands at the door and waits while we get comfortable.

Kookie heads into the kitchen after taking off his coat. Glancing around I catch Hobi's frown before he follows after him. There's a lot of disquiet in the bonds right now so I can't determine exactly what's wrong.

Huffing, I turn to the door as Joon leads Arthur and the other's inside. Joon gives me a small frown as he walks over standing next to me. Shaking my head, he understands we'll talk later and nods in understanding.

Hobi and Kookie walk back into the room then, holding trays and various drinks. They set the trays down and I see they have set up a variety of finger foods and brought bottles of water, juice, and soda positioning everything on the table.

"The coffee will be ready soon if anyone wants some. There is also tea, just let me know if you want a hot drink and I'll get it for you."

Smiling at Kookie's thoughtfulness I send him a silent thank you as Hobi takes his hand and they join the other's on the couch.

Arthur steps forward after talking quietly with the others.

"Guys, this is Maxine and Demetrius. As I was telling Mr. Kim there are agents stationed at each house. They advise there was no activity here aside from the mailman and you guys. As you saw they've blocked off the driveway so anyone that comes now would have to enter by foot, so we'll be aware. Mr. Kim, was there anything else besides what you told me on the phone?"

Namjoon pov:

Taking a deep breath, I think before addressing Arthur.

"Only that I noticed the car because I had seen it before. It's a common car so I didn't think too much of it until it changed lanes when I did. If it wasn't for the traffic commotion, I would have thought I was paranoid."

Arthur nods, stepping closer and pulling out his tablet. He taps on the screen before turning it around and showing me a picture of a white sedan. It's identical to the one I saw.

"Is this the car you saw?"

Nodding, I examine the photo. An involuntary growl slipping as I realize it's parked in front of the building.

"That's our building in the photo. Do you know who that is?"

Arthur looks at the others before nodding dismissing them to go back to their post.

"Oh, did they not want anything before they left?"

Arthur and I turn to Kook as he speaks. I can feel the nervous tension running through everyone. Arthur shakes his head as Jinnie pulls Kook closer, wrapping his arms around him.

"No, they're fine for now. They have a cooler set up in the car and have food delivered when they need it. "

I focus on Arthur again as he looks back and forth between Jinnie and I. Gesturing to me we take a seat with the rest of the guys as he nods.

"Yes, the people in the sedan have been around for a while. They showed up while you guys were away for your extended weekend. We ran the plates and the vehicle is legit and registered. They are an investigation firm. It would seem Mr. Kim that they were hired by your family to get more information on you, since trying to search through your records would turn up a dead end."

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