CH*14 (Tension)

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Jungkook pov:

Laughter erupts from me and around me as I shuffle through the door, bouncing Tae as he clings to my back face hidden in my neck as he giggles. I hold tight to his legs wrapped around my waist as I take the stairs two at a time his arms holding me just as tight. I hear the click of the lock on the front door as the others follow closely behind me up the stairs to our bedroom. Reaching the top kicking off my shoes as Taehyung's drop soon after we sprawl on top of the bed in a fit of giggles.

Watching as Tae lays sprawled on the bed our laughter dying out as our mates climb on around us. I take a deep breath feeling through the bonds, quiet contentment and anticipation meet mine as I watch Taehyung. Keeping my eyes locked on him he takes several controlled breaths, staring at the ceiling, before his eyes finally flit over to lock with mine.

Happy to see the soft smile he gives, knowing his earlier feelings have dissipated morphing as he settled with the reassurance of knowing he's safe and loved with us. Arms wrap around my waist, and I'm not surprised as the scent of cinnamon fills my senses. Tensing slightly, I turn my head to look at Joon as he watches us. Leaning in, he kisses my cheek and nuzzles my hair before settling his face against the side of my neck.

Catching movement, I look over to see Jin has fit himself to Tae's back running his fingers through his hair as Minnie sits perched against the headboard, giving Jinnie the same treatment. Huffing a breath, I turn looking for Yoon and Hobi. Mouth dropping open catching the deep kiss just as they pull away from each other. It's then I notice the underlying fissure of passion flowing subtly through the bond. After our dinner conversations I'm not surprised by it, just surprised I didn't notice it sooner.

"What do you guys want to do?"

"Anyone up for a bath?"

Jiminie's question is quickly followed up by Hobi's suggestion. A bath sounds nice, and I'm not surprised when Tae and Jinnie move, giving each other smiles to go get the water started. Curiosity has me turning to Joon as he massages my shoulder, body still pressed to mine.

"Joon, what did they mean about the affects of the catnip? I don't really feel too different."

Namjoon smiles at me running his fingers through my hair before helping me to sit up.

"A lot of the feelings will seem normal since we are already so tactile. We already like to cuddle, rub, and nuzzle against each other so that will just seem normal. There... well you'll see the most difference once our arousal builds more. Also..."

"No... not yet Joon. Come on loves the bath is filling let's get undressed."

Smiling as Jinnie shakes his head while pulling off his shirt before turning and heading back into the bathroom. I look at Joon as he starts to undress me wondering why Jin stopped him. I guess I'll find out soon enough.

Seokjin pov:

Licking my lips, I strip down to my boxer's before reaching for Tae and helping his remove his clothes as well. He smiles as we stand chest to chest glancing over my shoulder at our mates as they come into the bathroom. Turning I smile too as they have all stripped down to their underwear. Jiminie is perched on Hobi's back as they walk in, and Joonie has his arms wrapped around Kook's waist they waddle as they step into the room. Frowning I look around not seeing Yoongi.


I trail off as Yoon walks in stripped down to his boxers as well, carrying a few bottles of wine. He smiles at me as he holds them up. Shaking my head as I return his smile. Tae flicks my chin as he smirks at me, and I can't help but laugh pulling a laugh from him as well. Turning him so I can press up flush to his back I look around at everyone again as Joonie leans over to turn off the water. He catches my eye, licking his lips as his gaze travels over Tae's body as my arms wrap around his waist.

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