CH*18 (Peak)

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A/NHello everyone. This will be the final chapter before the real smut starts. Last warning if you'd like a separate announcement let me know in a comment on this chapterThank you so much for reading!

Namjoon pov:

A shiver flows through me as I follow my mates out into the warm moonlit night. The grains of sand shift through my toes and under my feet as I walk. Residual sensations follow the normal ones I'm feeling as my toes meet the water's edge. Warmth spreads through my chest and I look up to find the six of them standing shin deep in the water watching me... waiting for me to join them. I can't help but smile as I step into the water to meet them. Hands reach for me as I let them pull me close as the seven of us cuddle close. Arms surrounding each other in a comforting group hug. A change of sensation and a change of scenery seems to be doing us good.

I let my mind wander as their caresses relax me, and them in turn. We settle into the shallow waters, sitting as the waves come in to repeatedly wash over us.


My eyes meet Jinnie's as he gives me a soft smile. Crooking my finger he follows the motion and comes to sit beside me. Taking a quick glance around I see we have partnered off, inadvertently. Tae and Kook lean back on their elbows looking up at the sky, as the triad are a bit farther away doing the same.

Jin sits close as he too looks around a pout slowly forming. I kiss his cheek softly.

"Remember love...It's normal to be pulled toward our first mates. At least until the final bonding."

He nods as he looks down at the water before looking at the guys again. Slowly he raises his eyes to mine.

"I know but... is it weird that I miss them and they're right here?"

The water shifts around us as the guys all move closer, seemingly having heard Seokjin's quiet comment. Hoseok runs his fingers through Jin's hair as he kisses his cheek. The ghost of a kiss to my own cheek makes me smile.

"I don't think it's weird. I think we just kind of spread out a bit too... well..."

He makes a face as he trails off. I'm curious so I look at him and raise an eyebrow encouraging him to continue. He makes another face as he stops running his fingers through Jinnie's hair... shaking them at me as he chuckles.

"To stop touching each other so much. I don't know but when the seven of us are close it's hard not to just reach out and... touch."

Nodding in understanding. I watch as he puts his fingers back in Jinnie's hair, as he sighs enjoying the head rubs.

"I don't think it's a problem Hobi. Look around."

I wait, he continues massaging Jin's scalp as he looks around, Tae has mirrored his motion in Jiminie's hair... while Yoon has done the same with Kook. My own shoulders relax at the residual touches I feel, tension bleeding from my frame. A thought pops into my head as I remember something from earlier.

Biting my lip, I look around to decide who I'd like to try my theory on. Seokjin catches my eye and I lean toward him, kissing him softly before doing the same to Hoseok. Moving to Taehyung and Jimin I do the same to them before moving to settle next to Jungkook and Yoongi. Kissing them both softly as well, I reach for their hands pulling them to their feet.

They follow me easily as the others watch us move further into the water. I grimace thinking about sand in weird places as I stop when the water reaches just above my knees. Taking a deep breath, I sit in the water as the waves push back and forth above my navel while sitting. Bending my knees, I spread my legs a bit.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15 ⏰

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