CH* 4 (Introductions)

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Yoongi pov:

Looking from Jinnie to Joon I take a deep breath. Jinnie looks at me as I wrap my arm around his waist.

"I know. I'll let go before we leave the elevator, don't worry."

He smiles at me before leaning over and kissing my cheek. He tilts his head gesturing for me to look in Joon's direction. Glancing over I do a double take as I see him holding Dani close as he talks to him softly. Joon pulls back looking Hobe in the eyes as he nods before wrapping his arm around his waist and leading everyone from the room. I look at Jinnie in time to catch his wink before we join the others in front of the elevator. I frown, turning to Jiminie as he gasps to find Stephanie wrapped around him. He giggles realizing who has him before shaking his head and talking to her softly. Angelique and Arthur join us in the elevator before we head to the cafeteria.

I remove my arm just as the doors open giving Jinnie a small smile as he frowns slightly. We both know we can't show our bonds in the open. Humans, though aware of shifters, are not altogether accepting. They especially would not understand a bond like ours. Not only seven people in a relationship but seven males. I can only imagine the hate and ridicule we would face. I look down as my hand is squeezed before it's released again. Looking up I catch Tae's eyes as he gives me a knowing look. I nod my thanks as we step out of the elevator following Joon and Jin as they lead the way.

We enter into a large open plan cafeteria. It is decorated in shades of deep blues and grays with silver accents. Large columns strategically placed, I'm sure to provide support but are still aesthetically pleasing. Tables full of people who sit with plates of food in front of them as they watch us walk in. They talk softly amongst each other but aren't eating. The place is full of smells of wonderful foods. Looking around I see a mix of breakfast and lunch items. Some people have pancakes while others have quiche still others have sandwiches and I even spy some burgers as I look around. My mouth waters at the thought.

Continuing to an open area that has a slightly raised platform where Joon and Jin have stopped. The five of us group together to the side as we look around. Stephanie, Arthur, and Angelique all take seats as do some others walk in. I watch Jin as he nods at something Joon says to him before he claps his hands to get everyone's attention. Smiling, he looks around before addressing everyone.

"Good afternoon, everyone. It's good to see all of you and gather together for the joy of introducing the newest staff of BTS Entertainment. Today will go slightly differently. I will do the honor of providing the introductions and allow each of them to say a little something before I turn things over to Mr. Kim to explain."

I feel my eyes widen briefly as I wasn't aware we would be speaking. Glancing around and seeing some of the guys fidget. Jin locks eyes with me in silent question and I swallow before nodding my assent. He bites his lip to hold back a grin as he turns forward again.

"We have five men to introduce as you can see. I will start with our new Executive Producer, Mr. Yoongi Min ."

Jin gestures to me as I step forward before he begins to clap. The other employees follow suit. I wait for the commotion to quiet down again before I give Jin a smile.

"Thank you, Mr. Kim. Hello everyone. As Mr. Kim said my name is Yoongi Min . I was brought on to be the new Executive Producer and I am very excited to fulfill that role. Music is my passion. I'm looking forward to working with it and others who feel the same way I do. Thank you for welcoming me to the BTS Entertainment family."

A round of applause follows me as I step up to Jin as he reaches to shake my hand with a smile. Stepping to the side I look around watching as Hobe and Tae look around with wide eyes. Jinnie frowns slightly as Jiminie and Kook seem to hide a bit behind the others. I meet Jin's eyes and wonder if he is thinking what I'm thinking. We watch as Joon puts his hand on Jiminie's shoulder getting his attention. Minnie startles slightly before he looks up at Joon and smiles before they both turn to Jinnie who looks forward again.

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