CH*10 (The Doc's Pride)

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Jungkook pov:

I feel my bear perk at the news and my body follows subconsciously. I'm slightly surprised by my reaction but not much. It's scary the idea of bringing new life into the world. Especially since I never thought about it but as I glance around thinking of my mates, I know I wouldn't mind it. A fissure of unease draws my gaze to Tae as he plays with his fingers.

He looks at me with wide eyes as I grab hold of his hand giving him a soft smile. His cheeks heat with a rosy hue as he gives me a soft smile. Rubbing my nose into his hair before focusing back on the rest as I think about the possibilities of having more carriers in our group.

My attention is grabbed as Hobi giggles locking eyes with Jinnie. It brings a smile to my face as I watch them smiling at each other. Jiminie leans over whispering to them, and their eyes widen in response before they break into wide smiles. I frown in curiosity as Trinity walks into the room. Her green eyes blaze as she bops Minnie on the head pressing her finger to her lips, surprising him before turning and leaving again.

Jimin pouts as he rubs his head turning to look at Dr. Akila.

"Ah... sorry about that. Please enjoy the refreshments, I'll be right back."

"Jiminie, are you okay? What was that about?"

He looks at me still pouting before he looks at the doorway and back again.

"Apparently, I'm not supposed to talk about it and..."

He trails off looking again at the empty doorway.

"I... well... I don't want to get bopped again so... I'll tell you later."

Jiminie huffs as he pouts again before Hobi leans over and kisses it away making him laugh. I nod in understanding before my eyes widen, gaze locking with Yoongi. I feel my cheeks heat at the intensity of it, unexpected as it is, it's always welcome. I give him a soft smile as he nods, smiling as he looks away.

I shake my head before I give Rebecca a smile as she sets down a stack of plates and cups. Joon and I get up at the same time. He laughs as I grab the pitcher and he starts to set out plates for everyone. I pour out cups for everyone as they grab sandwiches. Rebecca laughs, drawing our attention as we maneuver around each other.

"Sorry, you guys remind me of us. You're not even all marked yet and even though there is one more of you, you're already so... in sync with each other? Yes, that's the best way to put it. You're already in sync."

"I can't wait..."

She's cut off as a squeal rings out just before she stoops down and catches two bundles that laugh as she scoops them up as they try to run past her. They continue to squeal and laugh, wriggling in her hold.

Just as I decide to ask if she needs some help, a tall man with a tank top comes in taking one of them. He has bright red hair that offsets his dark skin beautifully. He lifts the little one onto his shoulders, his tank lifting slightly exposing his slight belly. He smiles as Rebecca tickles the little one in her arms.

"Thank you for catching them, Bec."

She shakes her head smiling as he notices us for the first time. His mouth drops open as his eyes widen.

"Oh, wow, I'm so sorry. I'm James everyone. I was so preoccupied trying to wrangle thing 1 and thing 2 here, I didn't even realize."

I can't help but laugh at the reference.

"Hey! I told you not to call them that!"

James pouts while giving Rebecca a sheepish smile. She leans in kissing him as she shakes her head.

The Wilde OT7 StyleOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora