Moomoo man

597 17 3

(We find our heroes on a boat thick fog surrounded them.)

"Wow this is some fog, I can barely see a thing," Sakura comments. Surprisingly, Hiyori nods.

"Well be able to see the bridge in a minute. On the other side of it is the land of waves," the rower says. (The rower!!!!!)

Everyone turns their attention to the front looking for the bridge. Hiyori closes her eyes for a minute, tired from the long ride, although it would make more sense for her to be being looking around with her byakusharingan but she is too tired right now. Without thinking she leans her head on Sasukes shoulder, making Sasuke freeze up for a second. He looks over at her and sighs, noticing that she was already asleep. 'Dope'

Kakashi notices the two and smiles under his mask.

(Time skip brought to you by Narutos love for ramen.)

Sasuke starts nudging Hiyori awake. Her eyes flutter open looking up at Sasuke sleepily. "Y-yeah?"

'Cute.' Sasuke looks away from Hiyori trying to regain his composure. He clears his throat and turns towards Hiyori again. "Were here," he says, making Hiyori sweatdrop.

As he says, that the boat pulls up on a dock. Sasuke grabs her hand to help Hiyori out of the boat. Once everyone is out of the boat, Tazuna turns around and thanks the rower (the almighty rower!!!!!)

"Ok now if I can make it home in one piece" Tazuna glares at the ninjas in training. "As if that will ever happen with kids guarding me"

Naruto looks over at Sasuke (A/N: I was typing and accidentally wrote Sasuel), glaring. Not long after, he runs ahead of the group looking around until suddenly

"OVER THERE!!!" Naruto yells grabbing a kunai and throwing it at a bush, making everyone in the group jump a little. Sasuke holds Hiyoris hand a little tighter.

"I, uh guess it was only a mouse!" Naruto says looking away from his team , and puffing out his chest, trying to look cool.

"WHAT A MHMHPHM-" As Sakura is speaking, Hiyori covers Sakuras mouth with her hand, cutting her off abruptly. "Umm Naruto-kun thats not a good idea, scaring us like that," Hiyori comments. Naruto look down.

(Time skip no jutsu!)

Naruto had scared a rabbit. But get over it kids, that shit happens.

Hiyori looks at the rabbit suspiciously as Naruto is hugging the rabbit tightly, apologizing over and over.

"DUCK!!!!!" Kakashi yells as a large sword swings above them a man with moo-moo clothes standing on the sword stuck in a tree... backwards?

"OMG ITS MOO-MOO MAN!!!!!" Hiyori gasps, making everybody look at her like she had two heads.

Hiyori coughs and looks back at her teammates. "Hes Zabuza Momochi, rouge from the hidden mist village and part of the seven ninja swordsmen," she explains, sighing.

Kakashi looks at Hiyori astonished. "How do you-"

"Its in the bingo book.... Yes i read it, i was bored" Hiyori cuts off her sensei, shrugging.

Naruto walks closer, ready to fight the man- but then Kakashi puts his hand in front of Naruto. "Dont interfere, this one is different from our previous opponents." Kakashi lifts his headband, holding there for a while to hold suspense. "This may be a little rough..."

"Kakashi of the sharingan eye, I presume. If it wouldnt be to much trouble could you surrender the old man?" Moo-Moo man says, menacingly glaring down at the ninja. Meanwhile, Hiyori and Sasuke freeze up at the mention of the Sharingan.

"H-how does he have it Hiyori questions to herself." Then Kakashi snaps her out of her thoughts.

"Assume the Manji battle formation! Protect Tazuna!"

(Another time skip because this is a shit ton of dialogue. Again Im using the manga as a reference guys!)

Zabuza makes fog appear and disappears into it, making everyone lose their shit. Hiyori collects chakra into her eyes, activating her Byakusharingan to look around for Zabuza.

"Whats with this fog?" Naruto comments, making Hiyori sweatdrop.

"He is using it so it is hard for us to see his attacks."



Hiyori looks over at Sasuke, her eyes widen. Noticing he is freaking out, she deactivated her Byakusharingan and takes his hand, grabbing the kunai from him, dropping it on the ground and holding his hand tightly. "Sasuke..."

Sasuke looks over at her, shaking. "Its ok to be scared right now, I am too, but Im sure we will make it out of this alive so trust us ok." She gives him a warm smile, making him blush slightly then turn away.


Zabuza suddenly appears in between everyone and Tazuna, and before anyone could react, he swings his large sword. But then Hiyori takes action and quickly stabs his neck. Water comes pouring out from the wound. "Just a water clone of course," Hiyori chuckles, disgusted at herself for falling for that trick. Everyone looks at Hiyori shocked.

"Woah that was cool Hiyo-chan, how did you do that?! "Naruto gasps.

Hiyori giggles, despite the situation. "I saw his chakra in the mist when it popped up behind me and I quickly turned around and well stabbed him..."

A chuckle rings out. "Clever girl, seems I have stumbled upon a true ninja this time, but still." A kunai is suddenly at Hiyoris neck, "Im not a fool."

And then Kakashi stabs that water clone. "Neither am I."

(Another time skip to when Kakashi is in the water prison.)

"Little ninja wannabes trying hard to fit in- you even wear a headband I see- but a true ninja is one who has crossed and recrossed the barrier between the land of the living and the dead..." Zabuza says. "Clothes dont make a shinobi you need skills good enough to rate a listing in listing in my bingo book."

"He has a point," Hiyori comments shrugging. Everyone looks at Hiyori, shocked.

"HIYORI HOW COULD YOU SAY SUCH A THING!!!!" Sakura yells. Sasuke (oddly enough) nods in response.

"What he is saying is true- you need skill to become a ninja, not just make a clone and then bam your a ninja. You need the mind and soul. A shinobis life is full of death and sorrow, not unicorns and rainbows, and you will be put in tons of situations like this."

"Seems one of you students understands," Zabuza comments.

(And another time skip to after they defeat Zabuza because deal with it.)

Zabuzas body lays there, smashed against a tree where the water-style flood Kakashi created washed it. But that didnt kill him, the kid that suddenly appeared after the flood and threw the senbon needles at his neck did. In fact, Hiyori was quite impressed that he had been able to accurately hit his target from that far away. Senbon needles werent the greatest weapons.

Hiyori walks towards it, placing her hand on the pressure points to make sure he is dead before nodding to Kakashi. "We're good."

Then she feels her world spin and suddenly she is on the ground, feeling the world slip away, passing out from the exhaustion of using her byakusharingan. Before she fully loses consciousness though, she feels someone pick her up.

"Rest now dope."

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