Its a trap

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In the morning, everyone notices Naruto and Hiyori are missing. Sasuke goes looking for them.

In the forest with Naruto and Hiyori.

Naruto is asleep while Hiyori is sitting above him in a tree, reading. She hears a sound and looks down to find a girl? 'Doesnt look like a threat but I shouldnt let my guard down'

The stranger looks at Narutos headband and gets a serious look on their face. Then it reaches their hand down. Hiyori is about to attack when she sees that the stranger is only shaking Naruto awake.

"Youll catch a cold sleeping on the ground," the stranger says. This makes Naruto wake up. The stranger smiles warmly as Naruto rubs his eyes.

"Huh? Who are you?"


"Hey hey, have I picked enough of those herbs you wanted? And are these grasses and weeds really medicine?" Naruto asks the stranger. Hiyori nods.

"Most are used as medicines to treat all kinds of things, like a bellyache, a fever and more."

"Wow so cool!"

Hiyori looks at the plants. "Though theses are used for treating injuries," she mumbled to herself.

"Im sorry to have imposed on you two," the stranger says, slightly inclining her head in a gesture of thanks.

Naruto looks up at the stranger. "Thats some job you took on girl, harvesting all that in this early in the morning." Hiyori chuckles.


"Look who is talking. What were you two doing out in the middle of nowhere at the crack of dawn?" the stranger asks dryly, slightly raising an eyebrow.

Naruto springs up excitedly, eyes flashing. "TRAINING!!!"

"I went looking for this dope when I noticed he wasnt in the house this morning," Hiyori chimes in.

Naruto pouts. "Youre starting to sound like teme," he complains, making her giggle.

"I guess youre right but you are a dope sometimes," she replies.

"Those headbands youre both wearing... are you two some kind of ninjas?" the stranger butts in. Hiyori sweatdrops. 'Why else would we be wearing them, genius'  Naruto, on the other hand, looks ecstatic.


Hiyori pats Narutos head with a placating gesture. "Calm down a lil Naru-kun, youll scare her."

"Oh thats all right... so what are you training for?" the woman asks.

"To become stronger," the two young ninjas reply at the same time.

"But but why? You look so strong already."

"Nope, wrong, I need to be a lot stronger than this," Naruto says seriously. Hiyori nods in agreement.

"But-" the womans face contorts from happy to serious in about two seconds- "why?"

Naruto looks determined and stares her straight in the eyes. "To become top dog in my hometown. Then all the people who used to treat me like dirt will have to say hes the number one ninja, and right at the moment I kind of have to prove a point to a certain person I know." Hiyori just looks at the ground as she responds.

"I have to become stronger so I can be a better kunoichi than my mom was."

"Are you doing this for the sake of someone else or for your own satisfaction?" the woman comments, making Hiyori think. However, Naruto get confused.

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