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"Other bonds mislead oneself and weaken the important desires and cherished memories." Sasuke finishes

Naruto looks sad. "If that's the case then why?.. WHY DIDN'T YOU KILL ME BACK THEN?!"

Hiyori sighs knowing this had to do with Sasuke and Naruto's last fight which she wasn't allowed to participate in because Sasuke wanted to face him alone.

She is snapped out of her thoughts as Naruto continues talking to her and Sasuke. "You really think that could break our bonds, SASUKE?" Sasuke snorted in total disdain. "The reason is simple- it's not that I couldn't break the bond with you it was just irritating to me obtaining power based on the method he told me."

Naruto is both still in shock but also now confused. "What do you mean?"

"Heh... It's not necessary to explain that to you- but what I can say is this. Back then the last time we fought, you're only alive now because of my passing whim."

"Harsh," Hiyori mumbles.

Sasuke teleports in front of Naruto, then starts to talk about Naruto's dream to become Hokage while Sakura starts squealing like a stuck pig.
"Sasuke-kun... " Sakura mumbles incoherently, clearly on the verge of a major break-down. Hiyori sighs even after a few years Sakura still can't get a grip when she sees Sasuke.

Sasuke draws his sword about to kill Naruto until Sai grabs Sasuke's arm and Yam (Yamato) attempts a jutsu but is stopped by Sasuke activating his Sharingan. From there it's chaos- Hiyori jumps down to Sasuke, all caution was forgotten, Yam uses his wood style, and Sasuke yells "CHIDORI STREAM!" which makes Naruto and Sai blast backward via the sudden lightning surrounding Sasuke.
It even cuts through Yam's wood. Hiyori looks at Sasuke amazed, blushing slightly over the power and brightness of Sasuke's Chidori.

'he really has gotten a lot stronger'

Sakura emits chakra from her fist and starts to run at Sasuke. Sasuke turns to her and was about to attack her, but thenYam gets in his way using a kunai to defend himself. However, much to Yam's painful surprise, Sasuke's sword goes through the kunai, stabbing Yam. Meanwhile, Hiyori punches Sakura to the ground... "Begone THOT!!!"

She then moves some of her hair from her face. "Well that manner of defense was a mistake," the two say simultaneously while sweat-dropping, making Hiyori smile a little.

Naruto tries to get up. His eyes are now red, and Hiyori frowns "must be the ninetails..." she mutters.
Hiyori activates her Byaku-Sharingan to be transported into his head to find Naruto arguing with a fox that was made of what looked like bubbles. She also sees Sasuke standing behind him, smirking. Sasuke suddenly looks back in her general direction and sees her, making his smirk grow.

Completely in sync, Sasuke and Hiyori jump in front of Naruto and grab Kurama's nose. Naruto looks at them, utterly shocked that they are here. "I see you're both Uchihas- my, how you've both grown," Kurama comments.
"Umm, what the fuck".
"What are you two doing in here?!" Naruto is clearly panicking.
Hiyori smirks and pets Kurama's nose. "Awww it's adorable..." Kurama ignores the comment, though inside, he is growling. 'The nerve of this kid...'

"To think you'd be able to see me within Naruto... that dreadful Sharingan... so that power of the cursed clan, huh." Hiyori gasps and Sasuke narrows his eyes.
"You've seen the Sharingan before?!" Hiyori asks, but it comes out more like a demand. "That must mean you're the nine-tailed fox," Sasuke joins in. "That vision, and chakra, more ominous than mine just like Madara and Mio Uchiha from old times..." Kurama mutters to himself, just before Sasuke squishes Kurama's nose making the bubbly Kurama explode. "Tshh... hell if I know those names... "

Back in the real world, Naruto stands up along with Sakura and Sai. Yam takes Sasuke and Hiyori's distracted gazes as a chance to break free from Sasuke's sword and activate his jutsu- "Wood style: Doomed Wall!" Wooden pillars surround Sasuke and Hiyori, making her sigh.

"I'd better be getting a nap after all this crap," she mumbled to herself, making Sasuke snicker lightly. "Yeah sure," he replies with his famous Uchiha smirk.

This makes Hiyori smile "Alright let's get this over with" she raises her fist full of chakra into the air, blasting a hole in the dome surrounding them.

They both jump out and stand on the cliff from before. The wind blows through their hair as Naruto glares at the ground and then up at Sasuke. "Why... WHY DON'T YOU GET IT?! SOON OROCHIMARU IS GOING TO TAKE YOUR BODY!!!!" Sasuke starts talking about how he gives no fucks.

"Hiyori, please make him understand... he seems to listen to you- think about Takashi- he was devastated when he found out what was going on... he's hoping you'll come home this time," Naruto begs. Hiyori sighs.
"I made the decision that I will follow Sasuke even if it kills me- I'm actually protecting Takashi... "

Yam walks in front of the trio. "Enough chit-chat, Naruto, Sakura, I didn't want to do anything rough in front of you guys but I'm going to get serious now."
"Captain Yamato... " Sakura says, shaken. "What do you mean serious?" Yammy-Manny talks for a bit- aka author-chan getting tired of typing.

Hiyori groans, "I JUST WANT MY NAP!!!!!!!!!" Sasuke sighs put his sword into the ground, does some hand signs, and is about to put his hand in the air until Orochimaru grabs Sasuke's arm. Kabuto also shows up.
"Wow, the whole gang's back together," Hiyori comments sarcastically. "Let's go." Sasuke nods. The group teleports into flames and vanishes slowly. Everyone, especially Sakura, stares at them with an intensity that might make them burst back into flame, (and they might have if it hadn't been for the tears gushing out of her eyes) "Hey Naruto... take care of my brother, will you," Hiyori adds, and just like that they were gone.

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