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After a whole month of training with Hiashi-sama, it was time time for the final part of the chunnin exams.

Naruto was up first against Neji, Ayano was as loud as she could getting weird looks from the people around her. Naruto had won the fight and next was supposed to be Gaara and Sasuke, but Sasuke was oddly late so they skipped it and moved on to Kankuro and Shino. Which ended before it even began due to Kankuro forfeiting, next was Temari and Shikamaru, it was a cool fight to watch full of big brain strategies but Shikamaru gave up due to being lazy and not having enough chakra to finish the fight.

After that it was Rina vs a random genin that has no importance, Rina through hard work pulled through and won the fight.

It was now time for Hiyori's battle with Saki, "this battle is of no importance to me, but I'll put some effort into it." Saki says with an emotionless face, Hiyori sighs preparing herself as she hears her friends and brother cheering her on, she smirks, "bring it on!"

Saki makes a fist and fire shoots out from it towards Hiyori, "ROTATION!" she deflects the fire. Saki runs at Hiyori making fire at the end of her fists as if she was holding kunais and attacks gif here, Hiyori while dodging "well I know this is a bad place to talk about this but I never see you so umm yeah. I know whatever Sakura did to you was awful but you shouldn't let that pain take control of your life", she says, kicking Saki's feet from underneath her making her fall on her back. "Why do you care so much?" Saki asks as she kicks Hiyori away using some air, Hiyori gets up "because nobody deserves to be sad and full of hate forever!"

Saki looks surprised for a moment before going back to her usual bored expression, "How can I not hate her!? What she did was unforgivable!!" she takes water out of the jug around her waist, the water goes at Hiyori who uses an airpalm pushing the water away from her. "I'm not saying forgive her, just think about what's happening in your life now instead of focusing on what happened in the past.", Hiyori says panting.

"you say that like you know what I've been through and you dont!" Saki shouts making a wall of earth in front of herself. Which crumbles to the ground after Hiyori punches it then punches Saki in the gut, "You're right, I dont, but I want to help you get through it because I'm your friend damn it!!!!!"  Saki's face turns from anger and annoyance to shocked and confusion as her body becomes as straight as a board, "II just don't know what to think anymore." she says quietly then walks away.

The chunnin referee blinks in confusion "I guess this makes Hiyori Hyuga the winner".

"I've never been so excited and confused in my life dattebayo!!" Naruto says cheering. As Hiyori was making her way up the stairs in the stadium to sit with her friends (who congratulate her by giving her hugs and high fives), Sakura just rolls her eyes and scoffs.

After a few minutes, a tornado of leaves appears in the stadium and disappears just as quickly, showing inside the tornado was

'Sasuke', he looked different 'he needs to cut his hair' Hiyori thinks as she gets up and goes to give him a.

Bonk on the head, "you're super late you dope! You almost got disqualified!!" Hiyori says angrily. Naruto (who was in the stadium now too for some reason) nods in agreement, "I was wondering if you got cold feet about fighting me!" Naruto smirks, making Sasuke chuckle cockily "chill out you big dork." he then turns to Hiyori patting her on the head.

Meanwhile, Kakashi was talking to the chunnin asking if Sasuke had lost by forfeit, to which the chunnin says no that it had been postponed. Kakashi lets out a sigh of relief, Naruto looks at where Gaara was "dont you dare lose to a guy like him!" Sasuke nods, Hiyori smiles and kisses Sasuke on the cheek "kick his ass", then pats him on the back before leaving the stadium ignoring the glares coming from Sakura and Ino.

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