Chunin exams and a date

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After the whole ordeal with the Sand Genin, Team 7 is waiting for Kakashi to show up (even though he said he'd be there a few hours ago).  Hiyori was reading a book when Naruto sat down next to her, looking at her book curiously.  Hiyori notices and smiles.

"Oh, hi Naruto-kun what's up?"

Naruto points at her book, which had a black cover and no words on it to tell what it was about.  "What's the book about?"  Sasuke looks over at the two, interested in the conversation (due to Sakura trying to flirt with him at the moment).

Hiyori closes the book and looks at it for a few seconds with a sad smile on her face.  "It was my mom's.  It's just some of her notes and training regiments she followed, along with some techniques in it.  Uchiha techniques.  The works."

Naruto nods a few times.  "You sure do talk about your mom a lot, Hiyo-chan."

Hiyori nods a few times back in response.  "Yeah.  Sorry, I just look up to her.  I want to be like her."

Sasuke walks over.  "You know, I could teach you some more Uchiha techniques... since you're part Uchiha and all," he says not looking Hiyori in the eyes with a blush on his face.  Hiyori jumps up from and hugs Sasuke, who slightly stiffens and blinks in surprise.  Relaxing, his face much hotter than before, he places a hand on Hiyori's head.

"That would be great, thank you Sasuke!"

Naruto watches the exchange happily.  He was happy for Sasuke- he may be his rival, but he still wanted Sasuke to be happy.  Sakura notices this and bonks him on the head, not watching how hard she was hitting him in her jealousy.  Ignoring Naruto's cry of, "ow Sakura-chan why?," she glares at Hiyori with a frantic look in her eye.

Finally, Kakashi shows up and gives them all Chunin exam application forms.  Hiyori notices Sakura looks a little nervous, and after their team disperses Hiyori walks up to Sakura.  'I should probably check on her.  Even if she is a bitch, she is still my teammate...'  "Sakura..." she says hesitantly.

Sakura whipped around furiously.  "What do you want?!  To gloat about how much time you get with Sasuke-kun!?"  Sakura aggressively steps towards Hiyori, the venom in her voice making Hiyori recoil slightly.  "Well, know this Hiyori Hyuga!  You will NEVER be his!  He loves me- not you- ME!!!"

Hiyori steps back in disgust.  "I was going to ask if you were okay, cuz you looked a little nervous when Kakashi-sensei gave us the forms."  She turned and frustratedly stormed off before Sakura could respond, going to wherever as long as Sakura wasn't there.


As Hiyori is passing by a random alleyway, she senses Sasuke's chakra and turns towards it to see him leaning against a wall with his arms crossed.  She gives him a curious look and he sighs.  "Sakura yell at you again?," he asks.  Hiyori nods sadly, making Sasuke grumble something inaudible before he blushes and turns away.  "Well Hiyori since we have a few days to ourselves do you... you... you know-"  He breaks off and he glares down at his feet.  He had never done this before and had no idea what to do.  It was humiliating for him; he hated feeling this way, so vulnerable.

Hiyori blushes and smiles.  "Y-yeah!  I'd be happy to go out on a date!"  Sasuke sighs in relief, more happy that Hiyori had given an answer than that her answer had been 'yes.'

"I'll pick you up tomorrow then."

Hiyori nods and continues walking. "Okay.  I'll see you then Sasuke."  He nods back, even though she isn't looking at him anymore.

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