Out of the woods and into a brutal battle!

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Team 7 was sitting by a fire, eating fish, Sakura looks down at their Heaven scroll,

A/N time:

Because as I showed in the last chapter Sasuke gave the scroll to Hiyori so they still have their original scroll and next you're going to ask "but author-chan the sound genin gave them their earth scroll so they should be done and out of the forest of death. Also happy early birthday" and to that, I say "you'd be right but not here, for this I decided that the sound genin also had a heaven scroll so other shenanigans could happen. Also, thank you reader"

Hiyori looks over at Sakura, "You good?" Sakura rolls her eyes not even looking at Hiyori making her sigh. "YOU GOOD!?" Hiyori says louder making Sakura flinch, "It's just, there might not be any more Earth scrolls THATS ALL" Sakura snaps in frustration. Sasuke looks at Sakura raising an eyebrow, "what do you mean Sakura?" Sakura perks up and stops glaring at Hiyori. "well-"

"Probably about how we're all screwed due to there only being one more day left to get an earth scroll" Hiyori interrupts then goes back to eating her fish happily. Sasuke sighs saying that the next time they encounter a team it will be their last chance to pass. After that he gets up "I'm going to get some water" he says as he was walking away into the forest. Hiyori gets up and goes after him, when the two are a good distance away from their teammates Sasuke suddenly stops. "I know you're worried about me, I'm fine," he says no emotion in his voice nor did he turn around. Hiyori frowns looking at her feet not able to look at him even if he wasn't even looking at her. "Sasuke I"

She clenches her fist then finally looks up, "I have every right to be worried! I'm sure you're fine but" Tears start to fall down her cheeks, she had little to no knowledge of cursed marks so she didn't know how to help him. "Seeing you like that it it was scary I dont know how to help I-" she stops for a second trying to find the right words. "I dont want to lose you Sasuke" Sasuke hugs Hiyori.

"I'll be fine Hiyori," he moves the hair covering Hiyori's right eye (his right not her's) then wipes the tears from her eyes giving her a small smile. "Don't worry so much dope" he says looking deep into her eyes, Hiyori blushes a brighter shade of red by the minute. He quickly kisses her forehead then takes hold of her hand walking her back to their teammates.


Hiyori was hopping from tree to tree at high speed following her team and Kabuto who was apparently trying to help them get an earth scroll. 'I still dont trust him, I dont know what it is but something is off about him. Perhaps I'm overreacting and Kabuto is actually a trustworthy guy hopefully'

Hiyori didn't realize she was trapped in her thoughts to notice they were coming up with a plan. They stop, up ahead was the tower they needed to reach with both the scrolls. "We're in view of the tower, here's where the fun begins," Kabuto says with a smirk. Naruto smiles brightly "then let's get to it!" he cheers, then they all turn around after feeling a presence behind them. "An enemy so soon?!" Sakura whines, Naruto throws a kunai at whatever was there. The kunai had stabbed the head of a giant centipede making Hiyori gag for a few seconds, "why is everything so big in this damn forest what did we shrink or some shit!!" Everyone looks at Hiyori gagging and being overdramatic, she looks at them and pouts "I dont like bugs, ladybugs, and butterflies and are an exception!" Kabuto rolls his eyes saying they should be quieter as to not attract unwanted attention. 

After that they start walking again, Hiyori rubs her eyes tiredly she had been up all night the night before keeping watch over the team while they sleep just in case, they didn't ask her to but she did it anyway. Sasuke notices this and picks her up bridal style, she looks up at Sasuke confused before falling asleep after a few minutes.

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