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Hiyori woke up looking over at Sasuke who was sleeping. 'He looks so peaceful' she thought, putting a hand on Sasuke's cheek rubbing it slowly. Sasuke's face scrunches up and then opens his onyx black eyes. "Good morning," he says sleepily. ( A/N: Every time I reread this part to make sure there are no mistakes I melt it's too cute!!!! X3) Hiyori chuckles and moves her hand up into Sasuke's duckbutt-styled hair.

Sasuke sits up, "Kabuto will probably come in here any minute now, we should get ready." He says in his normal bored tone. Hiyori pouts faceplanting into the pillow "I don't wanna get up! Can't we have a day off?!"

Sasuke sighs and picks Hiyori up and plops her on the ground. Hiyori grumbles and gets up off the cold hard floor. And gets ready for the day Hiyori turns back to Sasuke who was blushing and glaring at her. "I don't like it when you wear clothes like that" he grumbles making Hiyori smirk "too revealing for you?"

Sasuke looks away blushing brighter than before "yes, and I just don't want people to see that much of you." Hiyori chuckles "I'll consider it ducky." There was a knock on the door then it opens and its Kabuto "Orochimaru-sama wants to train with you Sasuke and Hiyori you can.... just hang out for a while" Sasuke and Hiyori nod and get going.

Hiyori walks for a long while humming to herself when she arrives at the part of the hideout that Rina was in.

Making her way down some hallways, passing by some rooms full of people screaming. Which Hiyori walks by quicker than before, "jeez this place is unsettling" she mumbles. "There you are" she jumps slightly as she turns and sees...

"Hi, smoll bean! I have the day off while Sasuke is with Oreo snake man!" Hiyori cheers making Rina sweatdrop. "Don't call him that" she whispers looking around nervously. Hiyori waves her hand "yeah, yeah, anyway I'm here so how's life? " "It's fine-" A cry of pain come out of nowhere. Rina sighs "other than the screams." Rina gets up and kicks the bars of one of the cells scaring the experiment inhabiting the cell. "Quite or else..." she says in a terrifying tone. She then turns to Hiyori with a smile like her emotions did a 180. "So how are you and lover boy doin?" Hiyori giggles "He's as stubborn as ever, not to mention training day in and day out!"

Rina and Hiyori chat for a few minutes. It had been a while since they had seen each other, Orochimaru kept Rina pretty busy which makes sense. Orochimaru knew Hiyori would most likely come with Sasuke, but was shocked to say the least at Rina coming along. But it meant he would have some extra hands to help so all's well that ends well.

Hiyori leaves and makes lunch for Sasuke. Finding him with a few of Orochimaru's test subjects sparing. When she walks in she is almost hit with an attack, but she punches the test subject sending him flying into the wall. They all look at her Orochimaru sighs "Hiyori, this is Sasuke-kun's fight, not yours."

"Well they shouldn't attack me when I'm bringing Sasuke lunch," Hiyori says angrily crossing her arms. Orochimaru smirks "fine we'll take a break, just don't take to long"

Sasuke looks at the food Hiyori made 'she's been doing this since we got here' Sasuke looks back up at Hiyori as they walk to their room "marry me" he says bluntly. Hiyori blushes and covers her face with her hands. "Sasuke doesn't say things like that." Sasuke looks down blushing "I mean it, I want to marry you Hiyori Hyuga." Hiyori smiles tears welling up in her eyes. "Yes!!!" she says happily as she hugs him tightly.

Sasuke does the famous Uchiha smirk as he hugs her back moving her hair to the side to kiss her forehead. "I love you dope."

Sasuke then explains that they should get married (oh that makes me so excited just typing it) he has to kill Snaky snake pedo mc oreo. Which he does, and Kabuto probably cried like a little bitch about it when nobody is looking.

Sasuke and Hiyori recruit Rina, (who fangirled when she found out about the wedding) a water boy named Suigetsu, (who seems to be fond of Rina), Jugo, and last but not least Karin, to form team Hebi. Now Karin was a bit jealous of Hiyori because she was going to marry Sasuke. But knows that Hiyori makes Sasuke happy so she is happy for him even if it isn't her.

It was the day of the wedding...

Sasuke was acting fine but internally he was panicking. Ayano, Suigetsu, and Jugo were trying to give him words of encouragement. Meanwhile, Hinata, Rina, Miu, and Jiran were trying to calm down Hiyori who was a little too excited.

Now Hinata and the others were here in secret because if the leaf found out then they would bombard Hiyori and Sasuke about returning to the village.

As Hiyori walks down the aisle memories flood her mind....

"Stop, you're in no condition to be moving right now. Plus I'm worried I might drop you." It was Sasuke.


"Yeah it's me dope, now shush!" Sasuke muttered, making Hiyori giggle.


"M-mom why are people so cruel... all I do is live and people hate me for it!" she sobs, face upturned in a painful expression with tears sliding out of her eyes.

"Well I don't."


"thanks for sharing, Hiyori."

Hiyori gave a wan smile and laid her head on Sasuke's shoulder. "No. Thank you Sasuke, for listening to me and caring."



"Hi-yor-i... I



too -"


"You know, I could teach you some more Uchiha techniques... since you're part Uchiha and all," he says not looking Hiyori in the eyes with a blush on his face. Hiyori jumps up from and hugs Sasuke, who slightly stiffens and blinks in surprise. Relaxing, his face much hotter than before, he places a hand on Hiyori's head.


"Well... Hiyori... since we have a few days to ourselves do... you... you... you know-" He breaks off and he glares down at his feet. He had never done this before and had no idea what to do. It was humiliating for him; he hated feeling this way, so... vulnerable.

Hiyori blushes and smiles. "Y-yeah! I'd be happy to go out on a date!"


"I have different bonds, hatred with my brother. And bonds of love for Hiyori."


"your not going to become truly heartless...right?"

"I can't when I'm around you"


"I mean it, I want to marry you Hiyori Hyuga."


She is now standing next to Sasuke

(I have no idea how weddings go or how to write it so have a short one lol)

"I may now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride"

Hiyori and Sasuke kiss, everyone is cheering especially Rina and Ayano.

(Don't know how to end this one but yeah I did it. Now I know they are like 16 but honestly who gives a shit it's cute)

(older author-chan who is editing this chapter: I know this chapter is still cliche as all hell, but I still kind of like it)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2022 ⏰

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