Sakura vs Hiyori

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Hiyori is at the dinner table eating while Sasuke and Naruto, who had JUUUUST arrived a few minutes ago, are scarfing down their food like it was the first meal theyve had in a week. Hiyori is slightly grossed out but overall used to it- her little brother eats messily- so she doesn't mind it all that much. But then both just ended up throwing it all up, making Sakura and Hiyori both yell at the two boys for their behavior.

"STOP EATING IF YOURE JUST GOING TO HURL IT BACK UP!" Sakura screeches as Hiyori comments (much more quietly) "its a waste of food you guys, and its rude."

Sasuke looks at the two girls. "No I wanna eat- Because even if we make ourselves sick, we have to eat if we want to get"

"stronger!"Naruto finishes, making Hiyori smile. 'They both have such determination its so cute...'

Sakura looks over at a picture on the wall that has a section ripped out of it. "Um, why is this picture torn? Inari was looking at this the whole time we were having dinner. Someones face is completely gone is that deliberate?"

Tsunami, Tazuna, and Inari look down, and Hiyori reaches into her pocket to momentarily squeeze something. After she stands up, with a furious aura surrounding her. Her hands are clenched, her hair is covering her face, but it was still clear as day she was upset. "Sa-ku-ra!"Hiyori snarls, making everyone look at her. "You shouldnt pry into peoples personal lives!"

Sakura starts to get all defensive- "How was I supposed to know if I dont ask?!" but Hiyori cuts her off.

"Stop being so damn rude would you?! You know nothing about what that picture could possibly mean to them!!"

At this point everyone is either confused by her actions or were even more upset about the whole situation. After a couple moments and a few deep breaths, Hiyori sits back down and Tsunami says "no its all right Hiyori. The person was Inaris father."

Upon hearing these words, Inari immediately takes off to his room, seemingly immune to his moms question: "Inari where are you going?"There is a few seconds of muffled thumps (Inaris footsteps) before Inari slams the door of his room shut so hard they can hear it from the other side of the house. Hiyori sighs and starts walking away, but not before smacking Sakura.

"Hiyori, where are you going now?!" Kakashi asks her, slightly exasperated. She stops and turns to face Kakashi, hair still over her eyes, hands still clenched, dark aura still hovering around her. She stands there for a couple moments before snapping 'to bed' and walking away. Behind her retreating back, she could hear Tazuna start to tell the tale of what happened to Inaris family. Even though she had barely heard any of it, by the time she was out of earshot, she could already tell it was going to end badly. Sighing, she slid her door open and was about to go in, but then she heard the sound of muffled crying coming from Inaris room.

Curious, Hiyori opens the door to find Inari crying while holding a picture of a man. She slowly walks up to him, and sits on the ledge. There is about a minute of silence (Inari is ignoring Hiyori) before Hiyori says, "that was your father wasnt it?," making Inari look over at her while wiping away his tears.

"G-go away"

In turn, Hiyori ignores his request and sits down next to him, pulling her knees into her arms and remaining there like that. "You know, I lost my father too and my mother." Surprised, Inari looks up at her.

"Y-you did?"

Hiyori nods, smiling sadly before taking out an item from her pocket, the very same one she was holding so tightly at dinner- a crumpled photo of her family. (A/N: No I haven't remade cus I'm a lazy little shit)

 (A/N: No I haven't remade cus I'm a lazy little shit)

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