Off to find a missing person... and wait Itachi?!

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Hiyori hears a knock at her door, "Coming!" Hiyori replies happily. She rushes over to the door to open it finding Naruto on the other side. "Hey Hiyo-chan, I have exciting news dattebayo!" Naruto says happily, "Oooo what kind? Is Ayano-chan inviting the team over again?" Hiyori asked curiously only feeding the fire that was Naruto's excitement.

"Nope! Better, I'm going to learn a new jutsu from pervy sage while looking for someone!" he states proudly giving her a thumbs up. "And I'm inviting you to come with me as you are my second favorite member of our team."

"Sound like a blast! Count me in!" Hiyori says while grabbing a bag full of essentials, "Alright let's get this show on the road!" she cheers. (A/N: I have no idea why but I had coconut mall playing in my head when writing this in my notebook lmao)

Naruto and Hiyori run to the outskirts of the village to find a man with long white spiky hair and red lines going down his face from his eyes. Hiyori's eyes widen, "you didn't tell me the guy was Jiraiya one of the legendary Sannin!!" she shouts before pouting. Jiraiya smirks "seems the little lady recognizes me." Hiyori nods "of course my mom knew you pretty well" Jiraiya looks at Hiyori thinking for a few seconds, "you're Masumi's daughter right?" Hiyori nods "yep thats me"

Naruto looks very confused at the moment, not understanding what's going on. He then asks Jiraiya why he picked him to learn this special jutsu. Jiraiya responds by saying that Naruto reminds him of his old student Minato Namikaze aka the fourth Hokage and Ayano's father.

The three make it to a hotel where Jiraiya gets them a room then runs off to flirt with a pretty girl. Which left Naruto and Hiyori alone only telling them to practice manipulating their chakra.

Naruto pouts doing as he was told while Hiyori was taking a nap because she was tired, there was suddenly a knock on the door. Naruto goes to open it, Naruto gasps after doing so making Hiyori open her eyes sitting up seeing

Itachi Uchiha was at the opposite side of the door!!!

Naruto backs up slightly before glaring at the Uchiha, "I-Itachi"

"Naruto why dont you come with us," Itachi says his Sharingan eyes staring down at the Uzumaki. Hiyori rushes over to the door, "Why are you here? I won't forgive you for what you did to Ayano-Nee-chan!!" Naruto says glaring even harder.

Hiyori sees guilt in Itachi's eyes, 'so he feels bad for-wait what did he do to Ayano?' Hiyori asks herself. Hiyori was so caught up in her thoughts she didn't realize that Sasuke was there until he started yelling. "ITACHI UCHIHA! I WILL KILL YOU!!!" Sasuke growls his Sharingan activated and was about to do something when-

"Naruto! Itachi!" Hiyori's eyes dart over to the new voice, it was Ayano, who dashed past Sasuke, her expression showed joy and sadness all in one. Kisame the guy Itachi was with was about to grab his bandaged sword but Itachi gives him a look telling him to stand down as he was brought into a hug by Ayano.

"I know you've missed him Ayano-nee-chan, but he's dangerous dattebayo!" Naruto shouts worriedly. Ayano ignored Naruto's advice and starts crying telling Itachi that she missed him, Itachi seemed to melt into Ayano's embrace which makes Hiyori confused. How could a man who murdered his entire clan seem so happy?

"Ayano get away from him! I'm going to end this!" Sasuke says as he starts up a Chidori running at Itachi. (destroying part of the wall that is was near) Itachi was suddenly in front of Sasuke holding his wrist stopping Sasuke in his tracks, Itachi then breaks Sasuke's wrist making him scream in pain. Hiyori rushes over going to use a Gentlefist infused with chakra on Itachi, which sadly backfired when she was kicked into a wall.

Naruto sees his friends being hurt and tries to use a summoning jutsu, the shark guy swings his sword which cuts and devoured Naruto's chakra. Hiyori tries to get up her vision blurring as she finally gets up around the same time as Sasuke, who sadly gets kicked into the wall at the end of the hallway. "Sasuke!" Hiyori and Naruto cry/mutter, the memories of her mother rise to the surface in her mind, remembering how helpless she was to save her.


Hiyori runs at the distracted Itachi and Gentlefists him (with chakra again) making him stumble back a bit then unleashes a fury of punches before knocking Itachi away with a chakra infused kick. Sasuke looks up at Hiyori shocked, "H-Hiyori, what are you-"

"I'm part Uchiha, this is as much my fight as it is yours! And I refuse to let anything else happen to the one I love!" Hiyori replies determinedly, Itachi gets up and looks at Hiyori, who was helping Sasuke to his feet. "Impressive, seems you followed through with what I asked of you last time we spoke"

Suddenly Itachi is in front of Hiyori and starts choking the two, he puts Sasuke under a genjutsu making him scream. Itachi then turns to Hiyori, "as for you, make sure he becomes strong enough to defeat me." Hiyori tries to look over at Sasuke but can't and knowing that was killing her inside, she wanted nothing more than to comfort him yet again she was powerless to help the ones she loved in their time of need.


'not again'


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