Day 1

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So...I am a cat. This is new. Yes, that is the word for it. New.

I do not exactly remember how it happened. It is fuzzy, but I remember that I opened the door, and suddenly I was passed out on the floor.

I woke up in a room I did not recognize. When I looked around, I had seen Killua lying on another bed. He seemed...frozen, as if stuck by something. But something was different, and I could not put my finger on it. Suddenly, his ear started twitching. He sat up and said to me, "Where are we?"

"I am not sure," I replied. "Wait, are you- are you a cat?"

"What are you talking about? If anything you're a cat," he replied.

"Wait, I am a cat?" I felt the side of my head to see if my ears were still there. They were not. I felt the top of my head and felt two triangle-shaped objects, which were sensitive. I could also hear myself rustling them. I had cat ears. "This is impossible."

Killua did the same, and said, "Was it that girl?"

"What do you mean?" I said.

"The girl. The one that was at the door. She had bluish-blonde hair?"

"Oh, ok. I think she knocked me out when I answered."

"Damn, she got you? No wonder she was able to turn us into cats."

I nodded, then realized I had a tail. "Do you have a tail as well?" I asked.

"Huh? Oh, yeah, I do. Should we try to walk or...?"

"Yes, we should."

I stood up from the bed I was sitting on, using my tail to steady myself as much as I could. I wanted to walk over to Killua to help him up but did not make it very far before I lost my balance and fell. I got up, started walking again, and lost my balance. This time, I was able to steady myself and walked the two more steps so I could get to Killua. I reached out my hand, and he took it in his own. 

"Thanks, Illumi. I appreciate it. So, What should we do now?"

"Maybe try and figure out what all of... this is," I had said, pointing to my ears and tail.

"Good idea."

Today, I spent a lot of time with Killua. Maybe it is because we are both half-cat, and just trying to figure everything out, or maybe it's because we are brothers and trying to spend time with each other. I am not very sure, but maybe I can figure it out.

Word count: 433

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