Day 2

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Today, Hisoka decided that we should go to the mall. When we went, he took us to the Hot Topic so we could get some stuff. He got some Haikyuu!! stuff, but I got an Ouran Highschool Host Club sticker and a Seven Deadly sins pin, as well as an Ouran Highschool Host Club one.

"That's what you're getting?" Hisoka asked me."Yeah. it's not much, but I like them." I was wearing a Black Butler hat to hide my ears, and my tail was tucked in the left leg of my pants.

After I had spoken, I heard Hisoka mutter something, but I didn't pay much attention to it. We paid for our stuff and left. "Where are we going next?" I asked him."I wanted to go get some food, but we can do what you want to do."

"Yeah sure, we can go get food."

After we went to get food, we decided to leave. I saw him pocket something, but I paid him no mind. After all, what was I supposed to do? Ask him what he took? No way. Knowing him, it would probably be something weird. When we left, we saw a murder of crows circling above the mall. "Holy shit, what is happening?" Hisoka said.

"Do you think I know?"

"Well, no, I wasn't expecting you to, but at the same time, why are they all there?"

"Well, I think they're trying to get into that tree over there, but the sheer amount of them causes there to be no room." I pointed to a tree across the parking lot.

"But there's a forest over there!" He said, pointing to a small forest. "Why don't they just go over there?"

"They were probably born in or near the tree they're trying to go in. They probably feel safer there."


It was cool, going to the mall with Hisoka. We ended up sharing some of the stuff we brought back, and we also decorated some of the stuff we already had with our things. Hisoka might not be so bad, after all. It's a shame I'll have to kill him.

Word count: 344

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