Day 20

24 1 1

I thought that Hisoka would be the perfect man for me. Clearly...I was wrong.

When I woke up this morning, Hisoka wasn't with me. I had remembered sleeping alongside him as we cuddled. I went downstairs to look for him, and I saw it.

"Are you in drag?"

"Oh, sorry. I got bored, so I decided to dress in drag."

"Hisoka...why are you like this?"

"That's a good question."

"Go change into normal clothes."


"Because. I like normal Hisoka better than drag queen Hisoka."

"Aww, you're so cute~"

"Am I?"

"Yes, you are. Also, can normal Hisoka kiss you?"

"Not so fast. Maybe wait until I'm human again. Then Normal Hisoka can kiss me however normal Hisoka wants to."

"Okay, good. Then I won't hesitate to make you mine when you're human."

"I am not sure how to feel about that."

"Just don't think about it too much, kitten."

It wasn't easy not to think about it. What did Hisoka mean by making me his?

Word count: 150

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