Day 27

16 1 0

Illumi gets scared and yells in Japanese, but it's translated later. Don't bother looking it up.

Hisoka decided that it was a good idea for us to go on a movie date, as we were off of our quarantine.

Because we could go out again, Hisoka decided that we would go out to the movies. And I learned something new about him: He likes horror movies. "How about 'The taste of flesh?' It's a really good movie." (I don't know if that's an actual movie, but just bear with me, ok?)

"Er- does that not sound horrific to you?"

"It does, but I like that kind of thing!"

"I should have expected that. Fine, we can go see that."

"Cool! Thanks, Lumi."

"Yes, it is not a problem."

I soon discover that it was, in fact, a problem. Within 10 minutes of the movie playing, 5 people had died to the main character, who was the killer.

Later, there was a girl who wasn't watching and got completely sliced in half. It was so shocking that I said, "ほりふぁっきんぐしっと、そのおんあのこわふぁっきんぐおぎゃくさつしました!" This translates to, "Holy fucking shit, that girl got fucking massacred!"

"Are you okay, Kitten?"

"Y-yes, I am fine, this is just a bit too scary for my taste."

"Mm. Do you want to go to another movie?"

"No, it is okay."

"Lumi, if you find it too scary, then you can just focus on me. I'll even let you hug me if it gets too hard to ignore."

"Okay, thank you."

I do not regret going to the theatre with Hisoka, but I will likely put that movie on my 'Do not watch' list.

Word count: 259

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