Day 6

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I had to go on a walk with my ears out today because I couldn't find my hat. All I knew was that I was supposed to meet Hisoka somewhere, and I didn't even know where that was. Suddenly, I ran into someone with a tail on.

"Oh my gosh! Are those ears real!" They said.

"Er- yeah. I have to meet someone though, so-"

"OH, wow! You have real cat ears!"

"Um. Yeah. I do. Now, could you please-"

"Oh. My. God. I never thought the day would come!" She grabbed my hand and shook it, hard. "I'm Aubrey, it's so nice to meet you!"

"Uh, nice to meet you too, Aubrey. Can I-"

"So, what's your name?"

"Illumi. I'm just going to-"

"Wow, that's such a beautiful name! So, where are you going?"

"I have to meet someone."

"Oh, ok. Sorry to bother you."

"Yeah, it's nothing. Not like I'm-" 

"Can I come with you?"

"Ehm- I'm not sure about that."

"Why not?" She gave me puppy dog eyes. Disgusting.

Suddenly, I heard a voice. "Because his boyfriend is a possessive maniac, that's why." She was suddenly pinned to a nearby tree by two cards: A queen of hearts and the ace of spades.

"Wh-who are you?" Aubrey stammered. I took three steps back and watched.

"I can be many things. But I'm your worst nightmare if you don't stop hitting on my boyfriend."


I slowly nodded my head, figuring out what Hisoka was trying to do. "Yes. We are. Try to find out more about the person you hit on before you start. That way, you're less likely to get your heart broken by someone who already has a significant other and isn't willing to cheat on them with the likes of you," I said, before walking to Hisoka. "Where are we going?"

He retracted his cards from Aubrey's shirt and took my hand in his. "To the park, kitten."

"Ok," I said, blushing slightly when he called me by the pet name 'Kitten.'

We went to the park later, and it was a very nice experience. We sat together on the swingset, and Hisoka asked me, "Why did you play along back there?"

"She was annoying," I promptly answered. "I would've given anything to get out of the situation."

"That makes sense."

I paused for a moment before saying, "Thanks. For the help, I mean."

"No problem."

Nothing much else happened for the rest of my day. I technically didn't shoot my shot with Hisoka, and I needed to do it soon.

Word count: 400

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