Day 30

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I caught a rat today.

I was walking through the basement when suddenly I saw something dodge behind a corner. "What was that?" I muttered to myself. I began to follow the thing, and soon I could see that it was a rat. It tried to run away from me, but I managed to lunge at it and catch it, killing it with my sharp nails. "Got it. Hmm, maybe Hisoka would like this? I did work a bit hard to catch this."

I went upstairs and found Hisoka. "Oh, hello, Lumi," He said. "What is it?"

"I found a rat. I killed it and decided to give it to you."

"Woooah, Lumi, that's a little creepy."

"Mm, sorry. I just thought you might like it."

"Well, if it's a cat thing, I guess I can't stop it from happening."

"Sorry, did I bother you?"

"No, no, of course, you didn't Lumi!"

"Then why do you seem so disturbed?"

"It's just- it's not every day that someone I love gives me a gift like this. I mean, I don't know anyone like you, someone who would catch a rat for fun and then give it to me as a gift because they thought I would like it."

"Oh, okay. I am glad you like it."

"I'm glad you thought of me when you caught it. Of course, it isn't something that I would use, but I'll probably put this somewhere and think of you when I see it."

"It will rot after some time, though. How will you keep it then?"

"I'll have it taxidermied, of course. It's not that hard."

"I thought that cost $750? Are you sure you will keep it?"

"Of course, I will. It's a gift from my favorite Lumi. And my only Lumi."

I blushed and said, "O-oh, thank you."

"So, as repayment for now, would you like to go cuddle?"

I nodded excitedly and embraced him. I heard him chuckle, his chest rumbling as he did so.

"Eager, aren't we?"

"Mhm, we have not cuddled in quite a long time."

"It's only been, like, three days. Are you that touch-starved?"

"I suppose so."

"Mm. Then we have to go to our bedroom."

"Why can we not just cuddle right here?"

"Okay, okay, I get it, you're cuddle-horny! Let me just lay down, and you can rest your head on my chest."

"Okay, then. Thank you."


We cuddled for a while, and then we set up the rat taxidermy. I am thankful I caught the rat, so we both will always keep something of each other.

Word count: 403

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