Day 23 (I think)

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Today, I helped Killua out with his love life.

"Hey, Illumi?" Killua had asked me.

"What is it, Kill?"

"Could you help me with my relationship with Gon?"

"Sure. Why?"

"I want to tell him, but I just...can't."

"Ok. I can help. One condition, however.

"What is it?"

"You have to mess with Hisoka for me."

"Okay. Deal." He held his hand out for me to shake, and I took it.

I took him back to my room while pulling my needles from my pocket. I then took some of the smaller, less obvious needles and started inserting them into my jaw bone, allowing it to form into one more closely matching Killua's. I then stuck a few into my back, increasing my height from 3'2 to 5'2. I then inserted some in the back of my head, changing both my hair color and hair length. After that, I pushed some into my thighs and calves. These tended to hurt the most, but I put them in slowly and carefully, so as not to draw blood. Finally, I put the smallest ones and carefully pressed them into the corners of my eyes. This changed the shape and color of my eyes.

I checked the mirror to see if I needed to make any more adjustments, Killua standing next to me. It looked fine, so I said, "I need to borrow clothes that look the same as the ones you're wearing."

"Okay." He then walked out of the room, and 5 minutes later, he returned. "Here, these are the closest ones I can find. I'll step out so you can change." He walked out of the room again.

I stripped down to my boxers, then slipped on the shirt and shorts he had given me. I checked the mirror, then smiled slightly. It was perfect. I looked exactly like Killua.

I stepped out of my room and looked at Killua. it was like I was looking into the mirror again. "Wow, your transformation is perfect."

"Thank you. I will do my best to act like you."

"Don't make me look stupid!"

"I will try not to."



"Hey, Gon? Could I talk to you for a sec?" I said, doing the best Killua impression that I could muster.

"Oh, uh, sure, What is it?" Gon replied, looking at me. He thought I was Killua, but that wasn't true. He couldn't tell because I had placed the needles so strategically.

"I just wanted to say that"

"What is it, Killua?"

"Agh, I can't say it. I'll tell you later, okay?"

"Umm, okay! See you!"


I went back to my room, where Killua was waiting for me. "How'd it go? Did he say yes?"

"Yes. You should ask him if he wants to go on a date with you anytime soon."

"You didn't ask him?"

"No, I could not bring myself to ask out my brother's best friend, as well as a crush. That would be strange, and I would likely not be able to live with that."

"Mm. Thanks for the help, though.

"No problem."

It will only be a matter of time before he figured out that I did not tell Gon. It is risky, but it is worth it, as Killua will finally do something on his own.

Word count: 518

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