Chapter 1. Temptations Of Giving Up

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Sonic's POV

I had awaken to the humidity. It was dark, though the light of the crescent moon allowed me to see a certain distance. I rubbed my swollen head. It ached terribly.

"Where am I?" I grumble, pulling myself up off of ground. Pieces of gravel were stuck all over my left side, which means that I had to have been there long. I swipe the rocks off.

Everywhere hurts. My legs, feet, arms, just everything. I glance up around my surroundings. The fog makes all of it a blur. I force myself to take a step, and immediately stumble. I groan, catching myself. I knew for a fact that I was on a road. Cracks and potholes were spread throughout it.

If I can barely walk, I definitely can't run. I'm lost. This doesn't look like anything around Knothole. Where is Tails...Amy..Knuckles? I hope they aren't in the same situation. All I remember is being at a birthday party. Was it for Amy? Or Knuckles? I'm not sure.

All I could really do is walk along the broken road, that's all I could think of at least. Maybe a car will ride by, and I'll receive help. Each step was a shot of pain through my nerves. I winced, but endured the pain. My eyelids drooped. Why am I so sore? There isn't any wounds on me...To make sure of that, I checked all around my body.

I looked down at my once white gloves, and they were stained with blood. It wasn't mine. That's what scared me the most.


I had been walking non-stop since I woke up. Well, I took a couple ten minute breaks every now and then. The humidity had been the worst part of the journey. My whole body was moist from walking through the fog, I felt nasty.

I closed my eyes, still walking, just listening to the sound of darkness. There weren't even sounds of the animals that lurk the night. Just the sound of rocks scraping the ground when I would kick them. Then, I felt a dip in the road, and I went falling in the air.

My body slammed into the pavement, sliding before coming to a halt. I grimaced, but still laid still. I wished I was back home, with my friends. I missed them very much. It was amazing how close we had gotten over the years.

It was only a matter of time before dawn came, so I decided to give up for tonight. The burns of the scrapes were a sour feel. I didn't dare move over the dirt on the side of the road though. I stared at my limp arm as I laid on my side. My hand had fallen asleep, and I knew I didn't have the energy to wake it back up. So I just went to sleep with it.

The sunlight shined through my eyelids, so I saw an orange red. I squinted my eyes open, and raised my weak hand to block the sunlight. Doing the same as last night, I got up on my feet. But this time, I saw a small cabin. It had a shed behind it. Though, what I was excited to see was that the chimney had smoke coming out of it, so there was inhabitants.

I trudged to the front door, and raised my knuckle to knock, but my hand just hit the door. I was so exhausted, that sleep didn't even help. I rested my non scraped side against the door, and breathed out a sigh. It was very peaceful, the fog had cleared. The suns heat was very warm on my fur.

I stumbled back as the door was pulled open. I looked at the entrance. A white bat stared at me with shock. She wore a pink night gown, and her feet were uncovered. I stood over her, about a foot.

"Ma'am, do you think..I could get some help? It doesn't help to be much. Just, a place to sleep." My voice was dry, and my throat burned after saying barely anything. I started to cough.

She merely nodded her head, and opened the door wider, standing out of my way. I stumbled in, and the smell of food made my mouth water.

"Just, on the couch. I'll be right back." She said quickly, and scurried off. I watched as she walked away. Something about her was awfully familiar. I took this as a time to look around the small living room. There was a soft brown couch, with a matching chair. A glass coffee table sit in the middle, facing the fireplace. A candle burned on it.

There were picture frames on the wall. I walked over and studied them. There was one in a wooden frame, of the girl, and a hedgehog. The hedgehog was black with red streaks, and had a normal expression on his face. The girl, smiles brightly.

Behind them is the ocean. The water was a crystal clear blue. It looked very pretty.

I stared at the hedgehog. His crimson eyes stared right back at me. Something about them was familiar. I know these people. I thought back really hard to my past. But one of the pictures said it all.

It was a photo of Knuckles and the bat girl. They are in front of the Master Emerald. It all came back. Rouge, the jewel collector. And Shadow, my rival. I thought they were dead. They had disappeared, 6 years ago. When I was 15. Gone. I just walked into their home, and ruined their success at being un-found.

I heard footsteps walk throughout the house. And I turn my head, to see Rouge and now Shadow standing in front of me. He is wearing a white button up, with the sleeves rolled up, and black cargo capris. I feel my face get hot as he stares at me, his stare bores into me just like it did in the photo.

"Why?" I asked them quietly, my voice filling with emotion. I saw that they knew what I was talking about. They don't know what they caused. It was a lot of pain for all of us when they left. They came around and helped us, they were our friends. But they just disappeared, and started a life here.

"You shouldn't be asking that question. Why are you here?" Shadow asks, folding his arms over his chest. Rouge watches me carefully. I feel myself get dizzy, and an old ooze run down the side of my body. The side that I had scraped badly last night. I already knew that from the walking, and moving, the fragile cuts were open again.

That's when it went black.


Each chapter will be around 1000 words. The updates for this won't probably be as fast as Band Geek, and Im trying to get Band Geek finished quickly. But I'm still putting all efforts into it. So maybe that will be done in, in a month or two? I hope so.

Anyways, I like this story idea a lot and I'm giving it a try. (:

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