Chapter 6. Dancing In The Dark

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Trust. It's something I've always had, all around me. If it was others having trust in me or the other way. But now that I know the trust I had with everyone is gone.

It's a feeling I wish I didn't know.

Shadow began training with me once a week now. We've tried to tame Fleetway everytime but it doesn't work.

I'm back to normal, which is good. I can't go far though, because Rouge is scared I'll set off Fleetway somehow.


I'm supposed to do something with Shadow again today, so I have to find him.

I walked right into his room without knocking, luckily he didn't awnser or else I would have probably been back to bed rest. I head downstairs and see Rouge on the couch.

"Where's Shadow?" I ask her and she doesn't glance up at me, too busy in studying a rock. I guess to see if it's worth value.

"Downstairs." I nod and walk to the kitchen, where the basement steps are connected too. The steps aren't covered in carpet and seem unstable.

I walk down them and it creaks terribly loud. I hurry down and when I get to the bottom I am amazed.

Shadow has walls of guns. All kinds of guns. They hang under a blue light at the top of the wall, which makes their shine and detail come out more.

"Hey." I flinch from the noise and turn to find Shadow cleaning off a gun with a cloth.

"You wanted me?" I asked him nicely but I'm still completely confused as to what's going on.

"Yeah. Do you know how to shoot a gun?" I stared at him and he raised his expression, waiting for an awnser.

"Uh, no." I said simply and he nodded and tossed me the gun in his hand. I caught it and held it tightly, my eyes widening.

"Well you are gonna know how in a minute." And he motioned me to follow him into another room, which is a very small shooting range.

"Make sure the safety is off, and hold it with two hands." He said and I followed what he showed me with a gun he was holding on his hand. The gun had a feel to it I didn't like. It made my palms sweat knowing I was holding something that could kill somebody.

"Why are you showing me this?" I said to him before he had me start shooting at a target.

"Just felt like it." He said and I started shooting.

Each shoot pulled me back. After each one it felt like the gun was getting heavier and heavier in my hand. I could feel my pulse against the gun.

Why am I freaking out so much? It's only a gun. I pulled the trigger but nothing came out, which meant I used all my ammo already.

"Let's see how you did." Shadow said and the target came towards me. I looked at it and realized there were no marks of a bullet. So I missed every one.

"You'll get better." Shadow said and asked if I wanted to do another round.

"No." I said to him. The mystery about guns is that they should make people feel powerful. It makes me feel weak. If I ever had to resort to a gun, I would know that I was unable to defeat them first. I hope I never use that.

I sat on the couch in the room with the gun walls. I had to close my eyes because I couldn't look at them anymore. Next thing I knew, I'm drifting off to sleep.

"Do you like to fight?" A voice spoke to me. I stood on that road. The road where everything I knew that night was forgotten.

"No." I said to it. An echo of laughs blows with the wind. I look around but no one is there.

"Then why do you do it?" They asked calmly. I looked down at the ground, and the question kept repeating itself in my head.

Then why do you do it?
Then why do you do it?
Then why do YOU do it?!

"I don't know!" I screamed, and the sound of a bullet filled the air. I stared at my feet, and blood started to pool around them. But I wasn't shot.

"Do guns scare you, Sonic?" They asked me, and I clenched my teeth. Do they scare me? I never knew...

"You don't have to awnser. I know they do. The sound of a bullet makes your blood jump. Look at your blood, Sonic. See it jump?" I can feel the voice smiling at me as guns sound off in all directions.

The blood that came from me, it's jumping off the ground. A little splatters onto my muzzle.

"Don't worry. I know how to overpower your fear." It says to me. The last bullet that sounds off leaves a shadow of a body. It forms into Fleetway.

"I don't care."

"Oh, I know you care! Don't you realize, Sonic? I'm apart of you.." Fleetway walks closer to me until he stands only a foots length apart.

"If you accept me, your fears will go away. Your flaws will disappear." Fleetway smiles, and holds out his hand.

"No." I say as I stare at his hand. I almost feel like I need to shake it.

"Fine. But you'll be back. You'll want it." He says to me before everything goes black.

I open my eyes slowly and look around. I'm in the basement on the couch. A brown blanket is pulled over me, and the lights are off.

My eyes adjust more so I can see further in the dark. The first thing I see is the guns. But my pulse doesn't freak out, what's going on?

I look over to the left, and on the other side of the couch is Shadow. He has a blanket pulled over him, and he's sleeping. I stare at his closed eyes. He seems so peaceful.

I almost laugh at what I'm thinking. If Shadow is peacefully sleeping, of course it's in a room full of guns.

But it only makes me wonder what runs through Shadow's mind that makes him..not so peaceful. Everyone must have a war going on inside them somewhat, right?

Or maybe it's just me.


I'm sunburnt and burned out. Extreme sports camp all week, you know how it is .~. But I have another week to go. So expect updates on the weekend. If not then slap my sunburn LOL.

Hope you enjoyed!!! Peace :3


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