Chapter 4. A Testful Temptation

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"My..eyes.." I said quietly, my voice hitching in the back of my throat. Shadow continues to stare at me until I see him raise his arm. An impact hits me, and my face turns to the side. It's so quiet after that I think I could hear a pen drop from half a mile away.

Realizing he slapped me, but face heats up in frustration.

"Why did you slap me?!" I yelled at him, looking back to his expressionless face. His gaze is hard, and his brow is furrowed.

"And would you quit staring?" I say and he continues to ignore me. He shakes his head and sighs.

"You are ridiculous...." He continues to talk but I can't hear him. I get yanked up by the arm. I try not to act like it hurt, but failed miserably.

He walks back in the direction of his home, and I am left utterly confused and out of words. Once I get back inside, Rouge and Shadow are in the basement. It's locked, but I can hear the sound of talking.

I go back into the guest room, and lay on the bed. Tears well up in my eyes.

"I just want to be home."


The next day, Shadow told me that there is something inside of me. That something caused me to get here. Those eyes...and that yellow. What is it? Why are all my questions still being unawnsered?

"We need to get you to turn into that thing again." Rouge said to me, and my eyes widened.

"How am I supposed to do that?" I yell at her and she doesn't move or look phased at all. Rouge pulls me along to the backyard, where Shadow is hammering a stake into the ground. It's taller than me and a little bit thinner than a phone pole.

"What the hell is this?!" I yell and Rouge pushes me towards the stake and I fall flat on my stomach.

"How are you so strong?!" I yell back at Rouge and she blushes. Women. Shadow pulls me up and cuffs me to the stake with chaos energy. What the hell is happening?

"We need to find out what is inside of you. So this is just precautions." Shadow says to me and I pull on the cuffs.

"You don't have to do it like this! This is crazy! I thought you said I need to find out what happened?! So why are you doing this!" My throat goes dry and I'm left with my thoughts.

I'm being treated like I'm a villian. Shadow used his chaos energy once like this, but that was for his enemy. This is just embarrassing.

"Sonic, it's for everyone's safety. We need to find out what is inside of you so we can get rid of it." Rouge said calmly, and her eyes show fake sympathy to make me feel better.

The only thing that will make me feel better is to be off this dumb stake.

"Concentrate. Try anything to get it to come out." Shadow said while standing close to me. I shut my eyes tight, and all the stressful thoughts got louder, and louder.

And louder.

It was like a buzzing in my ears that wouldn't go away, and all I thought about was how my friends might be in trouble. And how I can't figure this out.

Shadow and Rouge living somewhere, hiding from us because they thought they wouldn't be accepted. They were treated similar to why do I think it's unfair for me?

I know whatever that yellow was is something I should be afraid of. Blood of other people was on me.

I open my eyes, but it's black. The floor seems to be vibrating, and I look around in the darkness. In the distance, it looks somewhat like a television is playing. I run towards it, and it seems like ages, but I finally get to the light.

What I see brings me to my knees. Its not a tv, but a pair of eyes. My eyes. It's Shadow and Rouge. Rouge has a worried look on her face, and Shadow is holding up a gun.

"Guys!" I yell to them but they don't respond to me. The house is in the corner of the view, which means up still up on the stake.

The eyes dart around fast, and the "me" glances at his hands. My arms are yellow, and my gloves are ripped. Long fingernails show now. The chaos energy from Shadow is keeping myself locked.

"Sonic?!" Rouge yells at me, and the eyes dart in her direction.

"Don't hurt Rouge!" I yell and I hear a snarl...was that me?

"Sonic, whatever this is. Regain control." Shadow says. Okay, think Sonic. How did you get in this mess?

I hold my head and tell myself to fight it, the image shown to me starts blurring. But I can see that the yellow me is thrashing wildly.

"Shadow, he heard you! That means Sonic is still conscious inside this demon spawn!" Rouge yells and pressure is weighing me down.

"Ahh!" I yell, holding my head.
My vision gets more blurry, and I collapse in front of the image. I feel like the world just started spinning one hundred times faster..and I faint.

"My name is not Sonic. It's... Fleetway."


1 . if you are confused, The real sonic was stuck inside his Mind while Fleetway took over, the "image" was what Fleetway saw.

2 I HAVE BEEN SO BUSY. This isn't an excuse but omg just back to back to back. Family flew in, then practice and had to march the fourth July parade, band fundraisers that last all day.. More band practice. Watching my nephew two times a week all day. And on top of that I had to look for my cat that ranaway. But no worries, he's back and safe (:

BUT EXPECT MORE FREQUENT UPDATES. if not you can yell at me lol.

Sorry if this sucked >~<

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