Chapter 9. No Escape

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I squinted from the light. It was so bright I felt I was only mere feet from the sun. That's exaggerating a little, but still. I hold my arm up and see my bare hand. My gloves are missing.

My eyes widen as I look at all the cuts and burns that reside on my arm. They look disguising, but something is telling me they look pretty. I know who that something is. He's the one who caused it of course.

"You're awake..." A small voice trails off in the distance, and I see Blaze. She's holding a tray of food, I'm guessing she was going to set the tray down on the stand next to the bed I'm laying on.

When did I get here....?

"Blaze?" I stare at her in shock. She's in her usual outfit, with a small smile on her face.

"You should eat and try to rest as much as you can. You wouldn't want to be up after last night." She sighed softly and I stared at her. Last night...why isn't she scared of me?

"I...don't understand." I said to her and she shook her head.

"I'll explain later. I really have to go. You'll be safe here." She hurried and closed the door behind her, only to leave me by myself. But I'm never alone anymore..

She's right, I can feel my back aching from not moving at all. I should really try to get some sleep.


I rustle under the covers for what seems like fifty times, tossing and turning. I wonder where Shadow is. And Rouge. They just disappeared last night. I hope their okay, or that's just something else to add to the list of my fault.

It's getting pretty long, too. I'm assuming it will get longer.

What even happened last night? All I remember is running. But while I was running, I was experiencing a feeling I never really felt before. I like to run, but I was so free, and powerful. At the same time, I was so weak. What is going on with me?!

The more I think about it, the more I'm thinking about not caring.

I sigh out loud and rest my head on to my head, looking up at the ceiling. It's white and boring. No excitement. No nothing. It's just white.

The bed is one solid color as well. It's a grey comforter with grey sheets. Same as the ceiling, no excitement. It's fine, but I crave excitement now. I want it now.

I'll stand up. Ill walk across the room. I'll leave the house.

I did it.

Now I'm standing in the open air, a breeze against my quills. Something tells me to stop, to go back inside and lay down like Blaze said. But I don't care. I run. I'll run this place.

I promise.


Shadow's POV

"Have some water." Tails pushes a cup towards me but I ignore it. I don't want anything.

I am standing in Tail's house. From what I remember, the decorating was better than before. Now it's too much, too bright. Everything has a pattern to it. I hate it.

Tails awkwardness makes this whole process harder. I personally wanted to come here, but I was expecting a totally different approach than this.

Amy lays on the couch, sleeping with a rag on her head. There are bandages wrapped around her arms and legs. It looks like she went through hell.

Knuckles has a black eye, and Tails managed to pass by with three deep scratches right below his left eye. It's going to leave a scar. Rouges' wing was torn, and she's asleep. I have absolutely no marks what so ever on me.

What a night. I wonder why we even decided on going. Sonic was in no condition to go back to the place Fleetway loves so much. We are fools.

"Now tell me what's going on with Sonic!? He working with Eggman like you two did?!" Knuckles yelled and I raised an eyebrow. How amusing.

I wonder why he didn't work with Eggman before, you get annoying pretty quick. "That's a little rude, don't you think?" I say to him and his glare deepens at me.

"Quit being a smart ass! You don't deserve to even drink, look, or talk considering what you've done!" He shouts again, standing up and trying to gain height over me. If he thinks he is making me scared, he isn't.

"And to awnser your question, he isn't working with Eggman, and neither are we." I say in a calm tone and he blows air.


"Knuckles." Tails finally says something, he has just been putting his head down on the couch.

"Look. If you are going to treat us like shit, I'll walk out and leave. I don't need your hospitality. I haven't needed it at all. Considering the bullshit your pulling now, the word "friends" doesn't even exist in this room." Knuckles starts to walk towards me but Tails stops him.

"I'm here because Rouge and Sonic wanted to be. Realize it's been six years. Be mature and get over it. Now, Sonic is probably loose on the streets, hell knows what he's doing. We can't just leave him out there." I say and a sigh comes from next to me.

"Shadow I don't think your being nice either." Rouge mumbles with her eyes still closed.

"You're awake." Tails says quietly.

"Of course I am. Knuckles' voice is like the worst sound you can set for an alarm clock."

"Wha-" Tails interrupts Knuckles.

"Shut up."

After Rouge being the talker and me sitting there staring, we've all finally come on 'terms'. I know it's a lie just by looking at their faces, but I don't want Rouge getting anymore upset. We've decided that Knuckles, Tails, and I will scout for Sonic. Rouge will watch Amy.

It took us long enough. Tails, Sonic's so called best friend was trying to wait until we gather more people. By that time, all the other people will be lying in the street dead. Tails is just so scared. I just want to find Sonic and get him somewhere where Fleetway won't freak out.

It's tearing down Sonic mentally. No one understands having a double of yourself, except their against you. I do. But at this point, I don't even know if I can help Sonic.

While we were running, he just phased out, and he didn't even think we were next to him. But we were the whole time. He's certainly going crazy.

I won't stop helping him for nothing.

muy bien!! (I think that's how you spell it??)
My Spanish class is fun  but I suck at it lol. Anyways
Awnsers are for the not a contest but contest:
"" who said it?
Sonic being the sun setting, and Fleetway being the darkness
WINNER IS Crazy-But-Kawaii
They guess Fleetway right!! YAYYYY your prize will be given throughout the week, bc I don't have a lot of time between school and marching band.

-Miyuki AKA TheUltimatePower

Temptations - Sonadow/FleetwayOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz