Chapter 11. Reluctant Heroes

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Listen to the song please while reading. 

Shadow's POV

It's dark as we walk. Tails and Knuckles seem to be completely scared for what they are 'about to walk into'. It's just Sonic. Just, crazier.

I'm sure they are scared because they can't compare to Sonic at all. They never could beat him at anything, so what makes anyone think the two of them can now? That's what the weak are. Scared for anything and everything.

We walked in a grassy field, taking a shortcut to downtown. I'm assuming that's where Sonic is. The downtown area is what Fleetway was always attracted to.

You could hear the sounds of crashing glass and car horns beeping. What the hell was Sonic doing? It is like three in the morning and the city is still lit up. Everyone is probably peeking out their windows to see what is happening. 

"What the hell..." I heard Knuckles under his breath, which only made things more uncomfortable than they already were. 

"We have to do something!" Tails said and it was silence afterwards. I just stared at them amused. Without Sonic, they are just recordings. They do absolutely nothing. Sonic was always there to take the action, they would just say when it needed to happen. Like annoying birds. No wonder he showed up on my front door. They are annoying little shits. 

"Come on." I say to them in a normal voice but I honestly wanted to hit them with a brick, or even my chaos powers. 

"What are you gonna do?" Tails said. Typical. 

"We will figure it out when we get there." I said and kept walking, but I knew they weren't following because I could not hear the sound of their steps. I turned around to face them. Tails was looking at me with a scared expression. 

"Is something wrong?" I said to them without a change in my voice. Knuckles' cold stare only got icier. This, again?

"You don't know how to stop Sonic, do you?" Knuckles asked me and I shrugged. 

"Well, why are walking into a mess you can not even come out of?!" Knuckles yelled and I didn't react. His point is clear. I don't know what I am walking into. I just want to get Sonic out of it, for some reason. 

"It is Sonic. Why are you two so reluctant? If you don't want to come, that is fine." I said to them, and I walked away. I wanted to be somewhat acquaintances with them, for Rouge. I am not the person that can be friends with them. They are reluctant and weak. I am strong and brave. I don't need someone to do the work, I can. 

I'd rather be alone than have friends I can't understand. 

Sonic's POV

 Fleetway is too powerful. I can't stay in control at all. He can get what he wants, which isn't fair. When I was out there, in reality with Fleetway, I felt something different. I felt Fleetway's emotions for the first time. They weren't normal, and you can not explain it with words. But, when I am alone, it is a feeling that I missed. Sharing a mind and body is always draining the energy out of you. 

I want to go home. Well, the home that I stayed at. Which was Shadows'. This game is not fun anymore. I want to be able to do what I want, be with someone I want to be with. 

"Move and we will shoot! Freeze!" I heard, like an echo that hit the edges and came back louder. 

The sound of a signal bullet filled the air, and I felt the pain explode. Like multiple butterflies escaping at once. I fell to the ground, and stared at the sky. I felt gravel underneath me, and I knew that I was in a familiar place. Fleetway's view. He stands in this spot when I am in control. He is forced to stare at something for so long while I start to panic after I have seen it for only a few seconds.

I felt the blood oozing.

How am I here, though? It is probably just my mind, after all, Fleetway is free. So what am I supposed to do?  Fleetway just got shot, so I feel the pain while he keeps running. 

There are no stars to be mesmerized by. The sky is dull, and empty. I don't want to be staring at something so boring if I die.

I felt warm arms lift me up, and the feeling of my eyes opening even though they are already open. And I am staring at Shadow. His expression is grim, but his eyes show me something else. I don't know what that something is, but it is what is pushing him to save me.

My body was numb, and I realize that Fleetway is feeling the pain now. He is in that spot, staring at an empty sky. 

I am sorry, Fleetway. I know how it feels, now. 

Tears started to escape my eyes, and Shadow did not seem phased by it. I just stared at the sky as he started to run. 

This time, the sky was starry, and it only made me cry harder. 

The moon was bright, and my eyes bore into it. 

"We can stop here for a little bit." Shadow said while he let me down, "Are you okay?" He asked me, staring at my wound. 

"It's numb." Is all I said. We are standing outside the edge of the city, next to a sign that said 'Welcome to Metropolis!'

I laid my head back and rested it on the metal, a sudden headache hitting me right in the crown of my head. Fleetway, my thoughts suddenly traveled to him. Geez, Sonic, get him out of your head!

I heard a rustle of a bush, and I immediately ran to it and opened it up to see Tails and Knuckles. They both jumped up and I heard Tails whimper.

"Tails!" I yelled happily and hugged him, ignoring his cries for help.

"I am really happy we get to see each other." The words escaped my mouth before I could stop them, and Knuckles tore me off of my best friend and I fell to the ground.

"What is wrong with you, dude? You are sick!" Knuckles yelled at me and I stared at him confused.

"What did I do?" I asked seriously, other than...wait..Fleetway spoke to Tails. That is why he is so freaked out. 

"Why would you two come out all this way just to spy on us?" Shadow said from behind me.

"We were just leaving a message from all of Metropolis. Don't come back, Sonic. Or whatever you are. You are not welcome, and anyone who comes with you will be treated the same way." Knuckles said, staring at me. I was shocked, and only left to say what anyone else would say. 

"Look at you two. All mouth, you can't even do anything to anybody if you truly wanted to."  


Hey. School is pretty fun, kinda boring. But sorry that this was a little bit idk, later? There was not an update last weekend since it was a little vacation I took with my family, and I completely forgot about updating. 

Sorta just let everything out of my mind, we all do it sometimes. 


that song is one of my favorite songs and I listen to it a lot when I am writing this.  thought I should share it with you.

hope you have a good day <3


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