Chapter 19. Chaos

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"What's the point of living if I can't be alive?" The hedgehog asks himself, squinting his eyes shut, and covering his ears.

His voice still echoes throughout the darkness. The haziness of his own mind makes him forget who he really is, who he wants to be.

"What does that even mean?" He asks himself. Aren't living and being alive the same thing?

"I want to be alive. Someone! me be alive..." He cries out, tears streaming down his cheeks.

But no one did.

And nobody ever wanted to.


Sonic's POV

The room I peacefully sit in is white. It doesn't have any shadows in the corners, just pure, blank, white.

The silence that sits with me, never seems to end. It feels like a ring is coming through my ears, a fuzzy static on a television waiting to be fixed.

The sounds I hear, just sound..white. Everything is nothing. But somehow, I feel peace. I feel ease. And I want this. I know I do. I want a break from Tails trying to go on missions with me, and I want a break from Amy running around trying to date me.

But...this peace I feel, doesn't feel complete. Something is missing.

Behind me, I hear a creak. I turn and look to see a black rectangle shape settling against the wall.

I pull myself up and walk to it. I look into the black void, and nothing seems to be in it. How is it that when I think something is missing, something shows up?

"This isn't right." I say to myself. Backing away from the door. I bump into something, making me jump. Goosebumps spread all over my arms that it felt like bugs were crawling all over me.

"Why isn't it right?" I hear the figure say. I don't want to turn around, but I need to. As I go to see who it is, their hand catches my shoulder and squeezes harshly.

"Who..?" I stutter out, catching my breath as they start to dig their nails into my skin. I feel warm liquid oozing down my arm...blood.

The atmosphere changes, the white walls start to melt like wax.

And I'm left in a road.

A gravel road.

The gold shining figure starts to walk down the road, turning their back from me. Towards the direction of the city.

"Wait! Where are you going?!" I yell to them, and run towards them. I speed up behind them and go to grab them, but they launch me backwards.

"Cut the tough act. It really pisses me off." They say casually, and they finally make eye contact with me.

The color or their eyes...the ruthless red that sits in them. Almost like blood. I remember it. I remember it all.

"You...Fleetway." I hiss through my teeth.

"I wouldn't start hating me, you'd hate yourself. And plus, you are in much better condition with me anyways." They say as they walk up to me.

"How can I be?!" I yell at him, and he smiles, showing his yellow stained teeth.

"Your body is almost invincible. It's actually something I'm proud of."

My eyes widened, and I look down at my body, seeing it's completely blue and free of yellow.

Free of Fleetway....

"What is this place?" I ask him, getting quiet, and looking around.

"It's your mind, of course. I thought I told you this already before? You'll sit here and watch. Now, we have to go or we will miss something. "  He says, and starts to walk away. I'm left terrified, and not knowing what is really happening. So, I get up and start to follow Fleetway.

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