Chapter 16. The City As You Walk

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Here's a hint at the chapter as you read!!!


Don't you think there's a chance Sonic can't tell the difference between himself and Fleetway since he is going fucking crazy?

Also! Title is a song called "The City As You Walk" by Skyhill

Happy reading (:

I now don't have a place to stay anymore. Shadow had said nothing when he pushed me out the door with a sandwich in a paper bag and some "headache pills". At first I told myself I could just go back and force him to make me stay. With Fleetway, I could easily over power Shadow. But I don't want to trigger anything.

So I've been walking. In the direction that I know will lead me into trouble. But something compels me to walk. It's not a trigger. It's definitely not Fleetway. It's just my own mind, my own soul, telling me to keep walking. And after Shadow kicked me out, Fleetway hasn't been talking at all.

The wind brushes against my quills. The quills that have a small hint of a dull yellow in them. My eyes have swirls of red in them, making me look less sane than normal.

I remember the days where I would run around, not caring about anyone except the people who loved me. Now, I still care about people, but they believe I am a monster. What will they think of me if I run around the city like nothing happened? And if I could hide Fleetway some how....

But that's going insane. Fleetway would so anything in his right mind to make me go psychotic. My friends would hate me more. So, what's the point of loving them?

There is no point.

It's been a year, at most. I don't count the days but I watch the seasons. I've been walking around, walked up a mountain, then back down it. I've made so many deals with Fleetway that I am literally inhuman.

I've held the sandwich that Shadow gave me, and the pills he gave me. They are useless but I can still feel his watch from them. I can hear his voice. I can hear Rouge.

I can smell her cheap perfume. I can hear her screaming. It happens over and over and over again and it doesn't stop! It doesn't stop! She won't leave me alone, she hates me.

I walk past Shadow's house. And it's empty. There's no one in it. I can feel my blood boiling, my anger rising in my chest.

"What made you think you could leave without my permission!? What makes you think you have any power!? Awnser me Shadow!"

I start to walk faster, the gravel digging into my shoes. The paper bag drops behind me and I throw the pills in front of me, and they bust and scatter all over. I step on them, turning into powder.

Screw you and your pills, Shadow.

My feet don't feel right in their shoe, they feel almost trapped. So I throw them off and they roll behind me. The next stride I take is filled with pain, but it doesn't feel like pain.

It feels like a smooth glass, it feels cold and untouched. And I could run on it for hours, knowing I will just heal as I run.

My speed picks up and everything passes by as a blur. The lights appear in front of me and they get closer. Closer. Closer. Closer.

And I leap in the air, power surging through my legs, the ground breaking beneath me. I land on top of a building, which to me seems crazy.

"You know what, Shadow! I never needed you anyways!" I scream into the air as I run. My thoughts buzz past me, and I throw my feet out in front of me, stopping. But I'm going so fast that I can't stop before the edge of the building. And I fall down.

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