Chapter 20. How To Play Detective

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Shadows POV

The receipt was the only real lead we have. It's for a small shop on the outskirts of town. The four of us, me, Victor, Charmy, and Espio stood in front of it, and it didn't even look in business. Victor started to walk closer to the entrance when Espio stopped him.

"I think we should re-think this." He says calmly while Victor looks at him, eyebrows furrowed.

"Three of us are known cops around the city. Do you think they are gonna tell us anything?!" Espio says and Victor turns around and puts his back to him. He grasps his snout and starts a low hum.

It continues for almost three minutes. I don't want to say anything to piss him off, but I think everyone else won't do it.

"Um..Victor?" Charmy says quietly, but Victor ignores him and continues to think in a manner that makes him look like he is in a movie. I walk past him and head towards the store. He's too idiotic to even notice.

The store smells like smoke and moldy cheese. Not a smell someone would want to breath every second of their life. The lighting is one small lamp in the corner of the room. There are glass containers with multiple machine and shot guns.

I stop and look inside the compartments. The one that holds pistols has an empty area where a gun should be resting.

"Like what ya see?" A voice comes from the darkness, it's deep hoarseness gives me goosebumps.

"Yeah...I'm more of a pistol fan." I lie and walk near the voice. Out of the darkness I can see the forming of horns, and a large body shape.

"Do you mind letting me handle one...for a more hands on experience?" I say...but the awkward silence afterwards gives me the answer.

I clear my throat, "Well, I came here looking for a certain pistol model, but I can't find it in here. It's the 22Y? You got some in the back or something?" I say looking up at the figure, I see no facial features at all. He really doesn't want to be seen.

"We don't have it." He said simply.

Of course you don't. Because Tails bought it two days ago.

"Oh...that's a shame. Are there any shipments coming in soon?" I ask and I hear a grunt and a loud screech of a metal chair crossing the floor. The large figure stands up and walks towards me. He is very large...and scary.

"Why are you acting so weird, hm? Or are you a dumbass like you seem to be?" He says vulgarly to me, bending down and getting in my face. I have made the assumption that he is some type of bull.

"Well, I can tell you that I know you sold a 22Y Pistol to a minor, and that particular weapon is a murder weapon. So, call me a dumbass again and I'll put you in jail for selling weapons to a minor illegally." I glare at him while he stares back at me.

"Playing bad cop? Don't make me laugh." The bull says and I feel air hit my face as he blows out of his snout.

"The kid begged me for it. I actually felt kind of sorry for him. I gave him the cheapest weapon I had but made him pay six times the price. Pretty smart, huh?" He chuckles and a wide grin forms on his face.

"Sure..did he tell you what he was gonna do with it?" I asked him and the bull rested his body against the glass case.

"Yeah. He said that some monster was gonna come try to kill him sooner or later."

I stared at the empty foam in the case. Even if Tails did buy the weapon, none of it makes sense. Amy died, not Sonic.

"You new?" The bull says to me.

"New?" I ask him, not really sure what he meant.

"Are you new at GUN?" He asks me, pointing to the door. "Your guys aren't necessarily quiet." Wow, so he knew we were cops the whole time. I feel really fucking dumb.

"I guess." I shrug, they said I was in order to make sure I didn't get arrested. But, the actual confirmation hasn't happened yet.

"I'm Vinnie. You pissed me off the beginning but now I'm starting to like you. What's your name? Darkie, Stripe, something dumb like that?"

"Shadow." I grunt. And he laughs.

"I guess that's better." Vinnie laughs and walks back to his chair. "You gonna tell the other boys all what I said?"

"No. I won't. This case is personal and I'll tell them what I want because of that." I say, walking towards the door and grabbing the handle.

"And next time you sell to a minor, don't give them a receipt, dumbass."I say to him and I heard a bellow laugh behind me.

"And you should work on your acting." He says before I shut the door. Wow. That went better than I expected. I honestly can't believe I got through that without a black eye.

I look up to see Victor, still looking off into the sunset like a hero. What the hell.

"You are the definition of stupid." I say but he ignores me. He turns around to face the three of us, a stern look on his face.

"Espio...that's good thinking. Shadow should go in by himself." He said loud and proud. Espio then face palmed, shaking his head and walking away. We all ending up leaving Victor, standing there dumbfounded.

And as we walked. I wondered why they hadn't asked me what Vinnie said. Had they listened in? Do they know that I'm hiding the truth from them in order to protect my former friends...

But should I even protect them in the first place?


^heres the I home I want LMFAOIT HAS BEEN A LONG LONG TIME

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^heres the I home I want LMFAO
but I finally got back to writing this story. And with a fresh start, comes fresh ideas! I have already known the main plot points, but I have to build it up along the way so. Yup yup yup.

Shadows getting saucy isn't he?? *raises eyebrows*
I'll just go play corpse party now *crawls away*

Bye bye!!

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