An Update

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FIRST THANKS FOR 5K READS!!!!!!This is not a chapter, sorry to disappoint.

I don't know how long since I updated, more or less I haven't been on Wattpad at all, really. I shattered my phone screen, it still works, but pretty shattered.

I'm probably not gonna get a new one either, because well, I don't have any need because I don't have social media because I think they are dumb as fuck. That's a run on sentence. I don't count this as one either, but wattpad is trying really hard to turn into a social media and it doesn't help me write easier.

Honestly, every week I remind myself I still have people wanting to know how this story ends, and I want to write it too. I just haven't gotten a mood to write at all.

Maybe it's because of my English teacher aka Miss Dill Pickle. She looks like a cyclops lmfao

Anyways, expect an update this weekend ISH??? I am free all day Friday because it's the end of the quarter so we get a day off.
Pretty hyped about that

So you'll see something out of me then..


Temptations - Sonadow/FleetwayOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz