Ch. 21 Mind Games Cause No Fear

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Shadows POV

The investigation has been stuck at only the receipt for a couple weeks now. The only new leads that GUN has is Tails saying colors over and over again. I, on the other hand, know who killed Amy.

I sit with my feet propped up on a desk, my hands resting behind my back as I stare at the smokey white ceiling. Tails bought the gun, and I am sure it is because he feared for his life after Rouge passed away. He was just scared.

But actually seeing Tails killing Amy never will fit in my mind. If anything, he would kill Sonic, which is why I know Fleetway and Sonic saw Tails and Amy.

"You know Shadow, you still owe us that favor your promised a long time ago for us keeping you out of jail," Victor said across the room. He had his usual gold chains hanging around his neck and a lit cigar resting on his bottom lip.

"So, what do you want?" I ask him and spin my swivel chair around to face him. Living with these guys literally gives me a headache all day. Literally and figuratively. Vector seems amused, loving that he gets to tell me what to do. Him and I both stare at each other until he finally says something.

"I don't know, but I am gonna make sure it is so ridiculous just for the fun of it," He laughs and I shake my head.

"Okay? If you don't know then why even bring it're an idiot," I say the last part under my breath and walk to the front door. I don't hesitate to open it and walk outside.

Purple lights fill the streets, a safety precaution that the local neighborhood watch makes anyone who isn't affiliated with Sonic put up on their porch. It's supposed to prove to Fleetway that a neighborhood can team up and work together. But I mean, if he wants to walk in here and kill people, some purple light isn't going to scare him away.

It's pretty late at night, so I am able to go outside without people screaming about how I am free. They all think I work with Fleetway.

To my left, I hear leaves crumble and immediately direct my attention towards it. At first, I pictured a silhouette of Sonic's slim figure..but once I blinked, the leaves just blew down the street. The wind brushed against my fur, and my arms felt empty. Ever since I made the deal with my gold rings to live here, I haven't felt the same.

I can't defend myself, and if I do, I won't be able to control it. So it will just be chaos, not chaos control. Now that I think of it, the name for my powers are stupid.

Chaos isn't supposed to controlled at all. It is the unknown terror that gives you power. So, if I don't even use my powers, I can take advantage of people by threatening them with what they don't know.

Maybe that is Fleetway's tactics. He doesn't use powers, he uses guns. He might not have powers at all, he just threatens people with them and hopes that they will be scared. It's all about fear. Being scared gives him the advantage.

If I can find out what happened at Tails house, I can figure out what Fleetways plans were. Sonic is just a body that he can control.

I start to walk towards Tails house and think of what will happen. He is scared right now, so anyone showing up at his house will make him shut down. And I don't know what to do to get him to calm down and come back to reality, either.


The front door was open, the lights from inside peeking out onto the porch. No one scared would leave their door open. He could be in danger.

"Tails, it's me. Shadow. I am just here to check up on you," I say in a calm voice. I push open the front door with my hand. It creaks as it moves, and I cringe at the noise. The only audible noise is music lightly playing from the back part of the house. The walls were completely clean and stripped bare. Only one picture frame hung on the wall, and I walked up to it to examine it.

It was a picture of Sonic, Amy, and Tails. They were all huddled together with big smiles on their faces. The beach was in the background. Sonic was in the middle, with his arms draped around Tails and Amy. His fur was the bright blue it used to be, his quills were sleeked back and not matted into knots. His eyes were their normal crystal green. No signs of Fleetway were in him.

What I don't understand is how Fleetway got in him to begin with. And how do you get him out..

I turned my head and began to walk deeper into the house. But I couldn't help but stare at the photo. Sonic stared right back at me.

Do you miss me, Shadow?

My eyebrows furrowed as I spun around and looked for the voice. Tails was no where to be found and the voice definitely didn't sound like him.

It was a girl.

"Amy?" I whisper out, my heart starting to pound in my chest.

Look behind you can you not recognize my voice?!

I slowly turned back to the photo on the wall. And my breath hitched in my throat. The once smiling Amy, now had a small hole on the left side of her head, blood seeping down her face and on her dress. She blinked at me, and screamed.

Why didn't you recognize me?! Is it because I'm dead? She threw her arms up in the air as she screamed, and tears started to slip out of her eyes. Sonic, began to speak too.

Don't you remember the good old times, Shadow. The times when everyone was happy. It's no longer the same, I am afraid. And because you are ignored me earlier, there will be consequences. If you don't want Tails to put a bullet in his head like he did Amy, I suggest you come find me.

The voice was so shrill and terrifying that I thought my ears began to bleed. Tails was taken by Sonic, and what I had suspected was true. He killed Amy. But more importantly, why was a photograph talking to me?

"Where is Tails?!" I screamed back at the photo, but the same old smiling faces stared back at me.

"I'm losing my fucking mind.." I said to myself, taking one more look at the photo before I tore it off the wall and carried it with me out of the house.

If Fleetway wants me to see him. I will. And I won't hesitate to get him out of Sonic, and kill him.



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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2018 ⏰

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