Chapter 5. A Temptation For Trust

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"What should we do?"



"I don't know, wait?"

"We don't have time for that."


"Wake up, Sonic! Or I'll tell everyone you tried to have sex with me!"

"What the hell, Rouge?!"

I open my eyes but flinch from the bright light. I have to keep blinking until they adjust. I try to wipe my eyes with my hands, but a force is keeping them in place. Where am I? And I'm going to pretend I just didn't hear that conversation.

"See? It worked!" Rouge said while clapping her hands. Shadow rolled his eyes but looked back at me. My mouth was open but words couldn't seem to come out, and when I tried to say something, it only made it worse. For some reason a burn was in the back of my throat.

But I'll deal with that later. For now, I need to figure out what the hell is going on. I pulled on my hands, but they were locked by..chaos energy?

"Here." Shadow said and the cuffs disintegrated in thin air and I fell to the ground.

"Thanks..for the ..notice." I said sarcastically and he made a 'humph' sound. He can act like that if he wants.

"Do you remember anything?" Rouge said and helped me stand up. I shook my head no, and she only nodded.

"Well, let's go inside." She said and we all walked in. I sat on their couch and breathed a long sigh. I feel exhausted but I don't remember at all what happened. All I can remember is when Rouge told me to turn into that thing..

Did I? Maybe that's why my gloves are ripped. No, it is why my gloves are ripped.

"You know you turned into it, right?" Rouge said as she sat down. Shadow stood in the middle of the room.

"Yes." I said to her calmly.

"We caught some of it on tape." Shadow said as he connected a small camera to the tv with a cord. And we all sat in silence as he was fumbling through the camera, until he came across a 8:22 second video.

It started off with Rouge saying I'm still awake inside But that's when the thrashing stopped. And I got a good look at it.

It's yellow fur is knotted and spiked up in lots of areas. Drool would drip down it's mouth occasionally, and it's teeth were sharp like fangs. My gloves are ripped and long, pointy fingernails show through. My shoes are in okay condition, but my socks are torn in some spots.

"...It's Fleetway." The tape says, and my eyes go wide when I hear the voice.

That's me? I can hear a part of my voice in it. But Fleetway's is still a little different. It's deep but has a high sound to it as well.

The tape continues to play, and it's Shadow and Rouge trying to ask Fleetway questions. He would always respond short and sometimes it wasn't even relevant to the question.

"What is your objective?" Rouge asked it.

"K..kill you." And after that it started thrashing again, and screaming at the top of it's lungs.

"Sonic!" It stopped cold when it heard my name, but a creepy grin appeared on it's face.

"Sh..ut up! If you don't...I'll eat you!"

It only made me more angry as I watched the tape. Fleetway..

"Well, we know that this isn't something good." Shadow said once it finished. I put my head in my hands and rubbed my eyes. Of course it isn't good.

"Though it does make us assume that Fleetway went berserk in the city, and that's why you ended up all the way out here."

My breath hitched, and I stared down at my feet. Fleetway..attacking the city? That could only mean that I hurt friends. Fleetway is a part of me...and that means it's my responsibility to control him.

"What do you suggest we do now?" Rouge said wiping her wings. I don't reply, because honestly I don't know what to do. I'm too ashamed of going back to Tails and the others. They saw Fleetway. But there is a risk that they are dead. I stop thinking about it.

"Is there any way we can get rid of it with the Chaos Emeralds?" I said and looked up at Shadow. He was staring at the floor, finally he looked up at me. We just looked at each other, until his voice broke the silence.

"Probably. But who knows where all the Chaos Emeralds are. We don't even have one." My jaw slowly opened wide.

"You guys don't have a chaos emerald?!" They both shook their heads which lead me to huff. Damn it. This makes things ten times worse.

"We haven't told you this. But our memories of the locations in the past are gone. We got rid of them." Rouge said, and again that look of pity was on her face.

"So this means we don't have any chaos emeralds, and we all don't know where the city is?" I said and it got dead quiet after that. The silence answered for me.

"I know what we can do." Shadow said.

"Go on..."

"We all know that if we do find the city and Sonic's friends, all of us will be considered wanted. The police are still after me and Rouge because they don't believe we helped everyone. Sonic, which is obvious, Fleetway attacked."

Shadow was right. All the trust that I had with everyone, is probably gone. Now I know what it feels like to be in Shadow and Rouge's shoes. It sucks.

"We have to gain the trust of them back." I said. On the outside, I was determined to do it. But one thought kept repeating itself on the inside.

How the heck are we supposed to do that?!


It feels nice to update regularly now.
But so when I was about to finish this chapter and publish it, I saw that each chapter has 100+ plus! Which is amazing :D thanks for all the reads and support!!!

I hope you guys are excited for the rest of the plot!! I am >:) and don't worry. Sonadow will come out of the closet. Lol.


Temptations - Sonadow/FleetwayDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora