Chapter 18. Cigars and Cards

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A shadow floats in a non existent, dark place. The shadow is fully aware of his surroundings. The only sound he hears is a soft, high pitched ringing.

He can move his arms and legs. He can't wander through the dark, he can't even see his hand in front of him. The sound of ringing makes him get a pounding headache. He can feel the pounding throughout all his veins. As if his blood was vibrating to how large his headache was.

He wanted to go home, he wanted to see his family.

"What is family?" He asks out loud, and here's his voice echo. His realized his mistake. The echoing never stops. He will always hear, what is family, for the rest of his nonexistent life.

So, he only thinks. His thoughts are jumbled, a puzzle that he himself can't even figure out.

What is family?

'I don't know.' He answers himself in his thoughts. But the question is still unawnsered, ringing in his ears.

Time seems to slow, each second is the question being repeated. Over and over and over again. He starts to count how many times the question is repeated. He gets to 100, and he stops. To him, he realizes how pointless counting is.

The words that echo in the dark place, start to sound like a mix of mumbles. He can't even recognize what he even said in the first place.

But he wishes to be free, to see something again.

"He never will." The being states to himself. And for the rest of time, in his mind, he is the shadow that never will.


Shadow's POV

I sit, and stare at my reflection in the mirror. My eyes look heavy, and bloodshot red. The detectives, all they do is smoke cigars and marijuana. I wonder how I have gotten this far without coughing up a lung.

The small apartment that they inhabit has worn out furniture and discolored white walls. For a detective agency they run, it doesn't look like they make much...

The three idiots have been laughing up a storm due to how Vector smacked his muzzle on the wall. I guess he was too high to see a wall right in front of him.

"Shadypoo!" Charmy yells out to me from the living room. I groan and put my head against the mirror. Shadypoo? What the fuck is that bee thinking?

"Hey, dumbass. Get in here." Vector yells and I finally walk into the small kitchen they are seated in. The rusty old telephone they have is dangling from the receiver on the wall.

"We got a hit. A big one." Vector smirks and starts to laugh before putting a cigar in his mouth and lighting it.

"Okay?" I say to them, and cross my arms over my chest.

"If you have a big hit, why aren't you on the phone?" I ask and Charmy looks around before scratching the back of his head. Vector looks at the phone, and it gets so silently I can hear his raspy breathing.

"Hello? Is anyone still there?"

Charmy's eyes widen and he flies as fast as he can to the wall, but hits it and lands on the floor. He occasionally twitches, then groans.

I roll my eyes and walk over to the phone but Vector jumps on front of me and grabs my shoulders, blocking the way. He thinks his height is intimidating to me but I've dealt with more taller and smarter things than him.

"Shadow. I'll tell you this one more time. You will listen to what I tell you to do, or else I will throw you in a deep dark cell and I'll forget you ever existed." Vector said and turned to put the phone back into the receiver.

I grabbed his hand, spinning him around before head butting him. He started to fall, and Charmy started screaming since Vector was about to squish him to death.

I ignored the two of them and picked up the phone. I honestly don't know why the phone seemed so important. But, the closer I am to getting out of this hell hole, the closer I am to doing just about anything.

"Hello?" I said, hearing the breath of the person on the other side of the phone.

"Are you coming to look at the body? The corner can't wait all fucking day, yah' know?" The male says.

"What body?" I ignore his attitude and try to the pull the facts out of him.

"Are you brain dead?! Amy Rose!" He screams into the phone.


I clench my fists.

"Where?" I say gritting my teeth. The guy groans over the phone.

"I already to-"

"Quit playing games and tell me where she is!" I yell and he gives me the address. I don't even need to think to know who's house it is. Tails.

And I have a feeling of knowing exactly who did it. But why would he? There is no probable cause, so why?

Fleetway has ruined everything. He thinks he is fixing it. But he is only ruining lives. Sonic isn't there any more, is he?

But there's always a chance he is there. And that means I have to try to get him out.


Shorter chapter than usual = sadness
This was supposed to go up yesterday but I went to sleep and didn't wake up...whoops lol

Have a nice day

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