Chapter 10. Hells' Worst Nightmare

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Just would like to clear things up before you read:
At this point in time, sometimes Fleetway speaks and sometimes Sonic speaks. It's up to you to figure out who isssssssss :)))))


Our fav person aka Sonic's POV

A bright sense of déjà fu hit me hard as I'm standing on gravel. The air is clear, but the moon is bright. The same cabin sits to the right of my view, a tree skimming the left.

I can't move my body, eyes, or even my mouth. I'm trapped in my own skin.

It feels like hours pass by as I stand there standing at the same view. I just want to scream, to pull my eyes out of my sockets because I can't blink. It's torture.

What is goi-

"Hey!" Fleetway jumps into the small view I have, literally taking my breath away. He looks more frantic than normal. His quills are pulled and knotted in different places, his eyes are a pale red while a dark red swirl sits in the middle.

"You didn't see me?" His face goes into a fake pout. His finger goes up to his chin as if he's thinking "I was standing right behind you, oh wait..." A thin smile appears on his face as he stares at me.

I want to say something but I can't talk, it only makes me start to choke on nothing.

"Sonic wants to talk, doesn't he? That's a shame as well, you can't do anything but stare." Fleetway says as he walks closer, his nose only an inch from mine.

"Now you know what it's like to me while your idiotic-self controls your body." Fleetway wraps his arm around me, and looks at the view he's been staring at for ages.

I want to grit my teeth, but it only makes my throat hurt worse.

"Such a nice view, isn't it..." Fleetway's tone gets colder and he let's go after me as he stared at the view for a while.

I want to beat the living shit ou-

His long nails suddenly come into contact with my cheek, and he drags them across slowly once they get deep enough. My head doesn't move, and I have to endure the pain.

"You think you run this place?" He says and pulls his hand off my face, letting it fall to his side.

"I run this place. This road, this view, this place is mine. You ever speak so low about me again and every inch of innocence you have will be gone." He says loud and clear, and I wonder how he got so emotional. When he first appeared, he wasn't this good at speaking. What's happened to him?

I can't think because this feeling of blood runs all down my right side of my cheek. It drips off my chin. The smell is vile too.

"I'm sorry, Sonic. I didn't mean to make you feel so much pain. I just feel so alone, being the only one who has to endure it at such costs, sometimes." Fleetway mocks me, and his eyes transform back to the normal eye. A red colored one that almost looks like it's filled with blood.

When he is this close to me, I can't help but say his eyes are so tempting. Eyes are one of the only things that shows someone's true emotion. Fleetway has the power to manipulate that.

"Now, what I really wanted to talk about was this." Fleetway says and walks behind me. I'm only left to stare into the empty space.

A sharp intake of my breath happens when I feel an antagonizing pain in my stomach. I go to look down, expecting my body not to follow, but it does.

A thick, round piece of wood was in my stomach. Tears immediately rushed out my eyes. The stick started to twist, and I screamed out in pain.
I still couldn't move my body.

"Listen here, Sonic." Fleetway says loudly into my ear over my continuous screams as he twists the trunk again.

"You can stand here, staring, brimming the edge of death in your own mind. Or you can come with me." He says like he has been thinking this out for hours.

"I can make you stronger. I can make you heal quicker. I am a power that no one else has. You will be a hero, Sonic. A hero that will be known throughout other universes. We can make that happen, together." Fleetway rushes his words out and twists the trunk even more.

"U-ugh." Is all that comes out of my mouth as blood follows it. Fleetway gave me my voice back.

"You must be having fun!" He laughs, and puts his free hand under my mouth, letting my blood drip on to it.

"Shake my hand, Sonic." Fleetway says and I can feel his smile from behind me. The pain only gets worse knowing that this isn't even real. That my mind can create such a detailed image of my own demise.

I grab the bloody hand. And in those last seconds of the fake reality I had left, I knew I made a mistake. 


It feels great to be this free again. Running around, and not having multiple people sending death glares your way. It's been a while since people have liked me. It's like I'm a student in school getting picked on. I can't help I'm this way. It's just me.

I like this me, too. I'm not hiding behind a damn brick wall anymore.

I am running throughout the streets of the city I just tried so desperate to roam in. Now I can do it and not care. Well, there is still multiple policemen aiming their guns at me. That's not a problem though, it just makes a way more fun game.

I run zigzagged through the cars, jumping on them and laughing.

"Come on guys! Quit being so fucking serious!" I yelled and they only made their glares harder. They can be like that if they want.

I ignored them and continued to run around the city.

This isn't a nightmare anymore. I can finally enjoy myself now. It's like I'm in heaven.

This is probably my fav chap I have ever written lol.
I like Fleetway he's so badass sometimes like 8) got my sunglasses on
Enough of my self praise .-.
Here's an early chapter because I couldn't wait any longer lol
Have funnnnnnn
-Miyuki aka the ultimate power

Temptations - Sonadow/FleetwayOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz