Part 17

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"What movie do you want to watch mi amor~"

Your POV:

" about [ favorite movie ]?" I ask. "Mmm sure mi amor!" Camilo hugs me tighter then before, I sat down on his bed I turn on a iPad I bought a long time ago. "I'll be back (Y/n) you put the movie, and I'll get us some popcorn." "Okay!" Camilo left the room I look for the movie after minutes go by the movie was ready and Camilo opened his door to had a bowl of popcorn in his hands.

"You better share." I giggle at him he looks up at me with popcorn in his mouth. "Who—said I was s-sharing?" Camilo said I walk up to him kiss his kiss then bran the bowl and lay down watching the movie start. "That no far." Camilo lay down next to me grabbing some popcorn. "(Y/n)...." Camilo happiest went way. "Yeah Camilo what's wrong?" I put popcorn in my mouth. I heard him giggle. "Well remember how you got here?" I look up at him with popcorn shoved in my mouth. "Y—yeah!" I said with food in my mouth. "Don't eat with your mouth full silly." Camilo grabs some popcorn. "Yeah I remember, but why are you asking?" I look at Camilo. "Well what if you go back to your place..." Camilo eyes had a small tear in it. "Aww Camilo...." I put more popcorn in my mouth.

"God (Y/n) ." Camilo laugh at me from eating. "Come here." Camilo raps his arms around me and sat me on his lap and he put the bowl in my lap, his back was on the wall, my back was on his chest. "What happened to movie night?" I turn to Camilo. "I don't know." He kiss my nose. His arms around me, and his hand resting on my neck, and I was still eating. "You know that I love you?" I eat more popcorn. "Yeah I love that you love m-Yawn- me..." "Awww your tried?" Camilo nodded his head. "Okay okay let me put the bowl down first." I put the bowl on the floor then I got up.

"(Y/n)! Where your going!" Camilo arms were out for a hug. "First mister I need to brush my teeth, and so do you now get over here!" I put the toothpaste on, then Camilo came in he was starting to brush his teeth. After two good minutes. Camilo took off his white shirt then throw in on the floor, and he took off his black pants. "Camilo why you changing in front of me?" I look at Camilo changing now he was only in his black boxers. "Because I know you like my body~"

"Haha." I blush to just see Camilo in boxers. "Here change you can't sleep in that." He gave me a shirt that was white with black shorts, for girls. "Where did you get these shorts?" I ask he turn to me grabbing his clothes. "Oh they were Dolores old shorts." Camilo said. "Okay now change cuz I want to cuddle with you~" Camilo smiled at me. "Okay but can't you not look?" I ask him he turn to me. "B-But I love you body..." Camilo said with sad eyes. "Camilo...." I wanted to say no but his Beautiful eyes made me want to say yes. "I don't know..."

I look down then Camilo turn away. "It's okay mi amor I don't want you to feel uncomfortable with me." Camilo starts to change, and so did I. After a good 6 minutes. I was done. "Okay Camilo I'm done." Camilo turns with the same outfit but with longer shorts. "Okay (Y/n) time for my cuddles!" Camilo ran to me picking me up I laughed at him he puts me in the bed. "Okay (Y/n) I want to do something~" Camilo smirks at me. "What are you going to do to me now Camilo?" I ask. "You will find out right now!" Camilo starts to tickle me. "W-wait! Stop C-Camilo!!" I laugh at laugh, and so did Camilo he won't stop. "I'll stop if you give me a kiss on my lips then you tell me that you love me!" Camilo said tickling me more. "Okay okay!" I had a tear form. (If you aren't ticklish then please act like you do👌🏼)

I kiss Camilo lips to make him stop Camilo kisses me back, he smirks in the kiss after a good minute like that we pull away for air. "Okay okay, and Camilo you know that I love you." I said Camilo face with to a meh face. "Camilo what is?" "Well why don't we hav some nicknames?" Camilo said with a small smile on his face. "Something like baby, love, or babe?" Camilo nodded with a smile on his face. "Mmm....if you want." I said Camilo had the biggest smile I have ever seen. "Ohhh thank you (Y/n)!" Camilo hugs me like super tight, and I mean tight. "Okay okay Camilo I can't breath!" I said patting his back. "Oh I'm sorry (Y/n)!" Camilo said moving my hair beside my face.

"Mmm (Y/n) your nickname for me is going to be, mi amor." Camilo kisses my cheek. "Okay okay!" I laughed. "And what about me?" He said. "Mmm..." I think.

"How about Cami?"

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