Two |Rot in hell

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This day just couldn't get better. First my shipment fucked it self up, when it got lost on the fucking sea and now, I found out I have a fucking fiancée running around somewhere in Italy. Just perfect.

It was formed alliance. I knew Italian Mafia was strong. This alliance would help both of our mafias but the fact I was forced to sign it as a kid is just fucked up along with the fact I was even forced to sign it.

My father was happy, cause Russians were sending some threats my way which means they were going his way too and by our informations they were doing the same to Italian Capo which we do not know who that is.

My mother was happy because she thinks I will settle down. I didn't plan on that anytime soon but I was raised to respect woman and not cheat on them so bye bye hook ups.

My brother Ethan was overjoyed. He said he can't wait for me to be whipped for someone. Ha jokes on him I won't. I won't be ruled I will be respected but also respectful cause that's important. Without being respectful you can't be respected.

Simple rule of life.

I didn't know who she was only thing I knew was the thing that she is daughter of ex Italian Mafia Don.
I know that's a lot of informations, I think I'm overwhelmed by all the info I've got about her.

I was walking away from my car, down the dusty road towards my main warehouse to scold some people. My mother said that when she first saw me 'scolding' someone for their shitty job, that it reminded her of herself when me and my younger brother Ethan were little shits doing bullshits.

Me and my mother always had a good relationship. She always knew what was her 'job' as a good house wife but she was always more. She was strong willed and hot headed, two things that me and my brother have after her.

I've got my mother's eyes, light blue with a hint of deep blue on the corners. They're like ocean, emotionless ocean. That's a que on bu dmsssss.

I really love my mother but my father not so much.

Because of him I'm who I'm. He taught me how not to show emotions, pain, don't feel bad about killing. He raised me to be unforgiving and merciless.

My mother hated that side of me that held a empty stare and no emotion. She used to call me a fallen angel because my wings were taken away from me when I was younger because of power of wicked.

I like to think of myself as a devil, fallen angel is technically a devil. So my name is a total irony. Angel something so pure in such a sinning soul and body that do worse things that devil himself.

I only allow myself to let my guard down in front of my brother and mother. My father would scold me for showing too many emotions or affection, that's why I keep my cold face on all the time.

Just like now.

I opened the door for myself and stepped into the warehouse. My guys found some rats in our Mafia. Others were taken care of but I just wanted one for myself, just one.

Nikolai Sidorov.

Mole from Russians themselves. He seemed suspicious so we tracked his calls and well, well, well they went into Russia. He was giving them useless informations anyways but it was good we stopped him before he found some more.

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