On the Edge

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*No One's P.O.V.*

Once things calmed down after breakfast, the teens began their homework. Jack sat in the window sill in the living room as it looked out on the treeline to the woods.

Some of the teens listened to music through headphones, devices Jack was curious about but didn't want to bother them with his questions. As he looked out into the woodline, his mind began to wonder.

So much had changed, what happened to his sister? He remembers falling into the lake but he was anxious to know if he made it out. Did he save Emma, or were his efforts futile? What happened to him? Did he survive as well? He seemed to have question after question.

This "Pitch" guy, why did he want Jack dead? Were they enemies? Or is he just some psycho? Questions, questions, questions. The lake shouldn't be far, maybe I can go visit? Jack thought to himself. He stood to make his way out the door, but paused before taking a step.

Jamie looked up from his work, "Everything okay?" He asked his friend who seemed unsure of something. "I was going to go try and find the lake I used to skate on but.." There were 2 reasons that made Jack wary and now unwanting to go.

One, was that North and Bunny want Jack to use the buddy system since Pitch is out there. And two, something deep inside him is giving him a dreadful sinking feeling that he doesn't like. "Nevermind." Jack mumbled as he shuffled his weight on his feet.

Jamie cocked his head to the side, the few other teens who had noticed Jack's movement had looked up to make sure he was okay. "Are you sure? We can go in a little while when we're done, if you want." Jack seemed to think on Jamie's words for a moment.

That would allow him to be safer, but the feeling in his chest grew stronger making him furrow his brows. He shook his head. "I.. don't want to go anymore." He looked at Jamie, trying to convey what he was feeling without trying to put it into words, Jamie caught on.

"Okay," he said. The teen had a feeling he knew what was going on. He knew what had happened to Jack. However, he didn't know that Jack wasn't aware of what happened that day. "I'm sorry about all this, I wish we can go outside and have fun instead," Jamie had continued talking but Jack just stared at him, a distant look in his eyes as if he wasn't there anymore.

There was a flash of images, one was him and his sister on the ice. He said "Don't worry, we're gonna have some fun instead!" And then the images changed to how Jack looked now, as Jack Frost. In this one it was a younger Jamie, fear written all over his face.

"We're going to have some fun instead," Jack had told the boy and suddenly, he was back in reality with worried and concerned faces looking in his direction. Jamie was in front of him now, but not too close. Jack gasped for air he had apparently been holding. The sinking feeling inside him worsened.

"Jack what's wrong? What happened?" Jamie asked worriedly. Jack wanted space, he didn't know why but those memories really made him scared. He was stumbling over his words, shaking his head. Jamie took a step back.

The spirit was starting to get a pounding headache as the weight of the new memories seemed weigh him down into sitting. He didn't know why but these memories seemed to carry immense weight for him and he needed answers.

"W-what happened to me? What happened to my sister?" He could somehow feel that there was a connection with those questions. Whatever happened to him involved his sister. Jamie knew the weight of those questions, and he really didn't want to answer them for they may break his dear friend.

So Jamie shook his head, "I can't bring myself to tell you. Not yet." At that, Jack's face fell in what seemed to be betrayal. "Jamie-" Cupcake began but Jamie shook his head, their friend was too fragile at the moment.

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