We Miss You

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It had been almost a week since the battle with Pitch, and Jack hadn't woke up. North dared not leave Jack's side, but duty had called and he knew that Jack wouldn't want him to fall behind. Children of the world were counting on him, so he of course had to leave the boy's side at some point.

The teens had refused to leave Jamie's house as well, but they had school and so they had to leave as well. Jamie and Pippa stayed at the Bennett house, however, they were able to get some online classes so they didn't have to leave.

It was currently the early hours of the morning and Pippa had offered to make breakfast. Even though it had been nearly a week, they always made a plate of food for Jack just in case he woke up. Jamie typed away on his computer, finishing the essay that was due the following week with a heavy sigh.

He looked at his best friend who was like an older brother to him with sadness. He missed him more than anyone would ever know. Pippa would sleep in the living room and Jamie would watch over him and stay with him during the night sometimes.

During those hours alone with Jack, Jamie had silently cried. He wanted Jack back so badly. He wanted him to recover so they could go play in the snow and make snowmen together. He wanted Jack to wake up.

Jamie had zoned out at some point until Pippa arrived with three plates of breakfast. "Still nothing?" She tried to have a hopeful tone in her voice, but it was more nervous.

Bunny said he'd wake up. Bunny has to be right about that. "No. He hasn't moved a muscle." Jamie's expression grew more melancholy. "He'll wake up. He's Jack, he'll get better." She tried to reassure. "I know, I just miss him." Jamie said with a sad smile toward Pippa.

He really appreciated her. Everything she's been doing to help. She smiled in return and sat on the edge of their friend's bed, gazing down at his relaxed expression. "We miss you, y'know." She spoke quietly. "Especially Jamie, so get back to us soon okay?" Jamie wasn't sure if he saw it right, but he's sure a tear slipped out of her eye when she finished speaking.

"Hey, he's strong." Jamie reassured this time and she smiled gratefully. "I'll go clean up the kitchen." She said as she stood and made her way out the door. Jamie watched her leave, but his heart nearly stopped when he heard the slightest rustling of cloth. Of sheets being moved.

He told himself it was his imagination, until it happened again, and he whipped back around to find his gaze met with a foggy blue gaze. Jack's eyes were open, and he was looking at Jamie.

"He-.. HE'S AWAKE!!" Jamie hollered  as he rushed to sit on the side of the bed, taking his friend's limp hand in his own. "How are you feeling? Are you in any pain? Do you know who I am?" Jamie wanted to ask a million more questions but Pippa rushed in, using a communicator to contact their friends and the Guardians.

Jack seemed to try and say something but screwed his face up in pain. This answered one of Jamie's questions. "D-don' t speak! Your throat isn't healed yet." Pippa instructed.

Jack looked at the both of them, confused. He couldn't quite recall what had happened after going out to find North. He didn't remember much of that day at all. "Do you know who I am?" Jamie asked once again, he needed to know. Jack looked at him in pure confusion and a little frustrated.

Of course he knew who Jamie was, he's.. Jack's brows furrowed as he tried to find what he wanted to "say". Jamie was very special to Jack, all of the children were. Even the Guardians. But why couldn't he hold on to the right words? It was like they slipped from his mind at the last second.

"Jack?" Jamie asked the confused boy, snapping him from his thoughts. Jack nodded at Jamie's question. He did remember Jamie, he just couldn't remember what he was wanting to say. Jamie and Pippa sighed in relief just as the door swung open.

It was North, his eyes as wide as dinner plates. Jack's eyes were the same. North's injuries had healed very quickly since they were minor, but his eye had a dark circle where the bruise was still not fully healed.

"My boy.." North mumbled and Jack was so relieved that they'd found North. He had been moved into a slight sitting position a few days into his revovery and he was so overcome by relief and happines, he couldn't help the tears that formed in his eyes.

He reached his arms out for North, who immediately ran to him and hugged him so tight, but gentle. Jack released a quiet sob and thats when the rest of the groups came. Jack's hands gripped the back of North's shirt in a death grip.

"You're okay.." North confirmed so quietly, Jack almost didn't catch it. Jack burried his face into North's chest as Tooth entered, not noticing her and just happy to have North back.

"North, be careful he's still injured." She coaxed with a relieved smile on her face as North nodded, smiling as well. "I know Toothie." He responded. Jack, however, lifted his head and looked up at the two.

Only his neck was injured, right? Had he faught Pitch again at some point? He couldn't quite recall. As he tried to sit up more to get comfortable, a stabbing pain shot through his side and stomache causing him to wince.

He furrowed his brows again and lifted his t-shirt that he had just now realized was replacing his hoodie and was met with a bandage wrapped around his stomache and a patch of red where his wound was located.

He looked up at North and Tooth questioningly, who looked at back at him sadly. "You and Pitch faught hard, and you got injured." Tooth explained. Jack reached up to scratch his head but also found a bandage wrapped around his forehead.

"You were out for almost a week, are you feeling okay?" North's voice was soft and gentle. Jack stared at him warily, it must have been a big fight. He nodded slowly as Bunny returned to the room with the children. He hadn't even noticed they'd stepped out.

"Welcome back to the land of the livin' mate." Bunny smiled at Jack, earning a smile in return. The reason Bunny had stepped out with the teens was to talk with them.

Bunny had told them to avoid asking or talking about any memories with Jack so that the damn in his mind wouldn't break. If a memory came in on its own, they'd cross that bridge when it comes. But other than that, they weren't allowed to talk about anything on the subject.

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