24. a cat, a mother and a child(e)

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synopsis: your mother is holding her annual christmas party, and wants you to come. unfortunately, you get a minor detail wrong about it, and well... it's chaos.


the first thing you did when you got back to the dorms was leap onto your bed, as if you were a diver jumping from the highest board. clearly, that trip to fontaine had taken its toll on you, but you had missed the warmth of your temporary home.

"ah, home sweet home.." you'd mumbled, shoving your face into your pillow before your phone rang obnoxiously in your ear. a groan vibrated through your chest as you pushed the device away in annoyance.

diluc walked in with the suitcases, and a tired look on his face, one that he always wore. he pushed the door open with his foot, and then closed it.

"you aren't going to get that?" he asked, while you replied to him with another groan.

the man finally straightened himself and walked over towards your bed, now appearing to be slightly concerned. he believed that you had been simply too tired to speak to anybody, which, he was too, however, he couldn't have helped but notice your change of attitude ever since you stepped foot off the plane. you were glum, and always checking your phone from time to time with a frown.

"are you okay?" he gently placed a hand on your shoulder.

hesitantly, you looked up at him and then with all your energy, you pulled yourself into a cross legged position while pulling him down onto the bed next to you. he wasnt surprised by such gestures anymore, though he might have been if you were somebody else.

"okay, so, look. christmas eve is a day away and my parents want me to visit instead of staying here in the dorms," you explained, watching the man raise an eyebrow.

"and this is bad news because?"

your cheeks flushed in embarrassment.

"because my parents are so.. exasperating! all they do whenever we have family get togethers is make fun of me for being the most behind in the family, and then complain why im still single!" you exclaimed, reaching for your phone to see the amount of texts that your mother had sent you.

it was boggling how she had wanted to get you to christmas dinner so desperately, when she had not paid you a single visit since your arm had broken. you assumed it was for the party that she was going to hold, since every year she would host some grand dinner party, and call up every family she knew of. these families consisted of people you simply did not know of all too well, such as the lawrences, but also of ones you did, like the ragnvindrs, who had stopped attending after diluc's father had... disappeared.

you still remembered seeing them at the parties when you were younger, though. while you and kaeya would run around chasing each other, past the guests, and into the hallways, a younger diluc was left out in the dark to witness the two of you having fun, next to a taller man who'd always encouraged him to make new allies. regardless of his father's suggestion, he had never bothered to get close to you, or even know you, despite the amount of talk he heard about you from his brother. you were kaeya's best friend, and you would always be his best friend.

"they're having the christmas party again?"

diluc's voice snapped you out of the past. you didnt even think that he remembered such a small detail about your family. you rarely ever saw him at the parties.

"oh.. yeah. they are. you can always count on them to have a stupid christmas party for literally NO reason at all!" you grumbled, letting your head flop back onto one of your pillows. you sighed softly.

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