Part 1

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Lindsey quickly glanced at his watch, when he heard the front door open and then close. He put away his acoustic guitar and gathered crumpled up pieces of paper, he'd tossed on the living room floor. He wasn't supposed to be writing new songs or coming up with melodies. No, he had just released an album and finished yet another tour. Things had changed over the past couple of years. He wasn't a single man anymore, he had someone else to consider.

That someone threw her arms around his neck and pressed a big kiss to his cheek minutes later. "Hey, baby."

"Hi." Lindsey smiled, turning his head to kiss his girlfriend of just over a year. "How was gym?"

"Nearly empty, thank God!" Olivia slumped down beside him on the couch. "But I have a gym buddy now, which seems to repel creeps."

"I sure hope your gym buddy is not some 25-year-old bodybuilder." Lindsey only half joked. He was a rockstar, but he was an aging rockstar.

"No!" Olivia laughed, slapping his arm playfully. "No, she's new in town. I don't really know much about her, she seems very private, but she did say, she's trying to lose the baby weight."

"Well, being private is not a bad thing." Lindsey shrugged, thinking nothing of it. "Besides, you can be pretty nosy." He gave her a pointed look.

"I am not!" Olivia disagreed shaking her head. "I'm just... friendly." 

"Right." He rolled his eyes with a laugh. "I'm glad you've found yourself a friend." He then smiled and pecked her on the lips. "I'm going to clean this mess up and then I've got places to be."

Olivia eyed the mess of torn out notepad sheets and sighed. "Lindsey, you've promised me."

"I know and it's nothing, really." He said, standing up. "I was just bored, while you were out. You didn't find me locked in the studio, did you?"

A small smile crossed her lips and she nodded. "That's true. Honestly, though. You've sworn to me that you're all mine now."

"And I wasn't lying." Lindsey insisted and kissed her once more for reassurance. "How about I take you out to dinner tonight? Some place fancy if you like."

"Yeah?" Olivia's interest was clearly piqued. 

"Yeah. You can dress up and wear that necklace I gave you for your birthday." Lindsey continued, seeing her excitement increase.

"I'd love that!" Olivia nodded. "Oh, I can't wait!"

"I'll be home before you know it." Lindsey promised on his way out.

Getting rid of his failed attempts of songwriting first, Lindsey then jogged up the stairs for a change of clothes. Redressed, Lindsey came back downstairs and searched for his keys. A moment later, he was out the door and headed towards his car.

Life was great. He was happy. After a very long time, Lindsey could genuinely say that he was happy. His latest record did great, which attracted massive crowds to his shows. He had a girlfriend; a younger, attractive girlfriend, who he actually believed liked him for him and not for who he was. A girlfriend, who at one point, he couldn't tell when, overshadowed the memories of the woman he was sure he was still in love with a few years back. 

Yeah, life was great.

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