Part 31

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"What is it that you still have to do for tomorrow?" Stevie's mother came into the room with a heavy sigh. She checked her wristwatch and sighed again. 

"Amber went through the place cards again and a few are missing." Stevie explained, sitting on the living room's floor hunched over as she carefully wrote down one of her guests' name.

"Well, they must be in the box, I'm-"

"No, they're not." Stevie interrupted her mother and received a disapproving look from Barbara, though she couldn't see it with her back facing the entryway.

"Have you eaten anything today?" Barbara asked, placing a cup of tea on the table, she took a seat on the couch. "I know, you refused dinner."

"I'm not hungry. Too nervous to eat." Stevie shrugged and picked up another nameless card. "Besides, I don't want to wake up tomorrow and be unable to fit in my dress."

"Oh for God's sake..." Barbara shook her head, placing a hand on her daughter's shoulder. "Well, at least drink this." She pushed the cup towards Stevie. "I've made you some herbal tea."

"Mom, tea isn't going to solve anything." Stevie glared at her mother. "If you were dad, you'd be bringing me a glass of fine old scotch right now."

"Your father is taking care of your husband-to-be." Barbara chuckled at the nervous expression on her daughter's face. "It's not like they've just met. Your father has known Lindsey since you two were just kids. They're only catching up."

"Or dad is grilling Lindsey about our break up and why on earth did it take us twenty years to get back together." Stevie put her calligraphy pen down and took off her glasses. She rubbed at her tired eyes and sat up straighter, she had barely moved in the last couple of hours. "Thanks." She said and took a sip of her tea. 

"What are you so nervous for anyway?" Barbara asked, moving along the couch to the other end to free some space up for Stevie. "You're only marrying the love of your life tomorrow."

"And that's not a good enough reason?" Stevie leaned back against the couch and turned to face her mother. "I was married to Michael for such a long time and look how that ended."

"That's because you didn't love him." Barbara shrugged, then added. "Well, you weren't in love with him. There's a reason, why you and Lindsey are about to walk down the aisle tomorrow, don't you think? And after everything that's happened between you two."

"I have no doubts about him." Stevie shook her head, lifting her feet up off the floor, she hugged her knees to her chest. "I'm just... you never know, what the future holds."

"A lifetime of happiness." Barbara smiled and hugged her around the shoulders, she pressed a kiss to Stevie's hair. 

The front door opened and Stevie was relieved to hear the sound of Lindsey and her father's laughter. She guessed, their evening went fine. Or at least without any major incident. 

"Hey." Lindsey bent down and gave Stevie a quick kiss. "Missed you."

She reached for his hand, so he couldn't immediately walk away. "How was it?"

"We had a good time together, Stephanie, relax." Jess waved it off and slumped down in the nearest armchair.

"Maybe too good of a time." Barbara noted, being able to tell when her husband had had one glass too many easily. "I think, it's time for bed. We all need to rest. Especially you." She gave Stevie a look, then her gaze shifted over to Lindsey. "I trust you'll make sure of that."

Lindsey frowned at the slightly cold sounding tone of Barbara's voice, but he didn't mention it. "Goodnight."

"Goodnight, mom, dad." Stevie added. 

A moment later, when they were left alone, Lindsey couldn't keep his mouth shut. "What did your mother mean?"

"What?" Stevie asked, sitting down again. 

"She trusts that I'll make sure, you get some rest." Lindsey explained and joined her. 

"Oh, that..." Stevie trailed off and paused for a minute. "Well, my mother expects us to sleep in separate rooms tonight. You know, it's tradition and all that."

"Like hell-"

"Would you keep your voice down?" Stevie silenced him with a nudge in his ribs.

"Stevie, we're about to get married. Besides, what's traditional about us? It's not like I'm going to be seeing you naked for the first time ever tomorrow night, is it? We have a kid together, remember?" The last thing Lindsey expected was for Stevie to start laughing. "What's so funny?"

"You can't spend one night away from me?" Stevie asked, thinking, how absolutely adorable he was. 

"Of course, not! I can't and I don't want to." Lindsey shook his head, outraged by Barbara's idea.  

Stevie leaned in and lowered her voice. "Well, then shut up and sit here quietly for a few minutes until the door to my parents' room is closed for the night."

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