Part 25

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"Mom, you have to stop crying." Amber sighed, she was out of things to say. "You're going to make yourself sick."

"I don't care." Stevie shrugged, hidden under a pile of blankets in her bed, her eyes puffy and red.

"Well, I do." Amber gave her a sympathetic look. "Dylan cares and so does Lily. When you're hurting, we're hurting, too." She said and lay her head on her mother's shoulder. "I know that you're upset, but you did the right thing."

"Upset?" Stevie frowned, tossing another ruined tissue aside. "I'm not upset, I'm devastated."

"You don't know, what was going through Lindsey's mind, when you told him. I'm sure, he was shocked more than anything else." Amber couldn't know either, but she had been trying to stop Stevie from crying for the past several hours and wasn't at all successful. "Worrying and wondering about what he is thinking isn't going to help. You can't change anything. What you should do is try and get some sleep."

Stevie scoffed, reaching for a glass of water on her nightstand. "As if I'm going to be able to fall asleep. Well, I might, when I completely exhaust myself."

"What do you want me to do?" Amber sat up and crossed her arms. "Do you want me to call him for you? Drive over to his place and drag him back here? What?"

"I don't want you to do anything." Stevie exhaled heavily and moved to lie on her side, pulling the covers up to her chin. "I've already told you, you should leave me alone."

"I can't just walk out of your room, knowing that you're hoping to cry yourself to sleep." Amber disagreed shaking her head. "He loves you, right?" 

"I'm not sure if that's true." Stevie replied and her bottom lip began trembling again. 

"Of course, he does." Amber assured. "I've seen you two together. The man is head over heels in love with you. He just needs some time to-" She stopped. "I think, that was the doorbell."

"I think, you misheard." Stevie said, though, she definitely heard it as well. 

"Would you like me to go and check?" All Amber received was a shrug, but she rolled out of the bed and hurried down the stairs. She tried not to get her hopes up as she made her way to the front door, but instant relief washed over her, when she opened it. "Come inside, please."

Lindsey wasn't entirely sure as to what was happening, but he stepped into the house and closed the door behind him. He didn't know if he made the right decision by coming to see Stevie, but as he drove away from her earlier that night, he felt like he was making the wrong choice then.

"She's a wreck." Amber said, leading the way up the staircase. "She hasn't stopped crying."

Lindsey gulped. "Are you sure, I should go in there? I was just... I thought, I could talk to her on the doorstep or-"

"You have to go see her." Amber nodded and showed him to Stevie's bedroom.

Stevie lay with her back to the door. She heard it open, but she assumed that it was Amber, so she didn't bother turning to look. 

"Hey." Lindsey said, not knowing where to start. 

Stevie stilled for a second then slowly rolled over to face him. "Did you come here to tell me that you hate me?" She added right away. "You didn't have to, I know that."

"No." Lindsey shook his head. "I came to tell you that I already knew."

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