Part 11

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Olivia stood frozen, staring at the front door of her and Lindsey's home. She didn't know why, but she just couldn't go inside. She couldn't hide, how she felt, nor was she going to. Maybe she was overthinking and making a bigger deal out of the situation than it really was. She couldn't block those thoughts out of her mind either though. She couldn't forget Lindsey's reaction, when he heard about Stevie. There is still something, he still has feelings for someone else, Olivia swallowed uneasily.

Taking a deep breath, Olivia stepped inside at last. She heard the TV in the living room, she guessed, Lindsey was there. Should she go to him and just get it over with? Tell him, what she knew? Or maybe she should sneak upstairs and avoid him for a while longer?


Olivia snapped back to reality at the sound of Lindsey's voice. Her feet felt strangely heavy as she took slow steps towards the room. Lindsey's smiling face greeted her, but Olivia couldn't move a muscle.

"What's up?" Lindsey asked, his eyebrows slightly creased.

She closed the short distance between them and slumped down beside him. He was used to getting a kiss, but she didn't initiate one this time.

"Hey..." Lindsey moved closer and wrapped his arm around Olivia's shoulders. "What's the matter?"

Unwillingly, she turned to face him. "I've found her."

"Her? Who have you found?" Lindsey now frowned, not a clue, what she was talking about.

"Stevie." Olivia said and added. "Your Stevie."

Lindsey thought that his heart stopped beating for a short moment. Was he dreaming? Or was he about to experience a living nightmare?

"What... what are you- what?" Lindsey pulled back, his eyes widened. "What do you mean?"

"My Stevie, the friend from the gym, turns out to be your Stevie." Olivia sighed. She stood up to make some space between them. "I just... everything you've told me, everything she and I have talked about..." She shrugged, folding her arms over her chest. "I put two and two together and..."

"There must be a mistake." Lindsey shook his head before leaning forward in his seat and putting it in his hands. "This can't be true!"

"I showed her a picture of you." Olivia continued. "I asked her, but she didn't really have to spell it out. The look on her face told me. She tried to pretend that she didn't know you at first, but..." 

"What- what did she say?" Lindsey asked and suddenly realized, he shouldn't have.

"What did she say?" The sound of Olivia's voice instantly grew higher. "Why does it matter? Shouldn't you be asking, how I feel about this?"

"No, of course." Lindsey stood up to approach her, but she held up her hands. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean that. Of course, it doesn't matter. I couldn't care less."

"That's obviously a lie." Olivia glared at him. "I can't believe this!" She threw her arms up in the air, they then heavily dropped by her sides. "How the hell do I always manage to get myself in these shitty situations?"

"Slow down, please." Lindsey took a step forward and placed his hands on her shoulders. "Why are you saying that? Liv, this doesn't mean anything. You can just stop hanging out with her and we can move on with our lives. It's that simple!"

"But it's not, Lindsey!" Olivia shouted, pushing him away. "I saw it on your face then and I saw it on your face now. You do still care about her."

"No, I-"

"And you know what?" She interrupted. "I think, Stevie still cares about you, too."

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